Kids these days are so spoiled, with their holographic simulations and sense of entitlement toward a safe training experience. Back in his day, in the early minutes of the Rebellion, they were lucky to get any practice time in the air before being thrown into the meat grinder that was space combat. A extremely cynical view would see it as an effective method for separating the wheat from the chaff. Only those with natural skill or previous experience survived, and the bad and the unlucky died immediately. Zane had been one of the former.

He wasn't sure why he had been selected for this training exercise. His CO said they needed some experienced pilots in the mix. That wasn't saying much. Zane was probably old enough to be some of these green ears father. His coat had long ago lost it's luster and there was gray in his mane. He knew coming into this that he wasn't going to fit in. It was not as if he had a choice. This was not a hill he was prepared to die on. And as he assumed, the simulation room was no place for him. Doors to duck under and if it wasn't for his foot cups, his hooves would scrap the shit out of this polished floor. The simulation pod was also a bit of a cram to climb into. His own A-Wing had been modified for his size, but no such accommodation was to be found here.

It wasn't long before he finally settled in and the familiar sight of Sullust came into view. He'd been here before. Not for this historic battle, but other times. Green Squadron had never fought over Sullust. Most of them died over Endor and the few that survived had going through rehabillitation. Losing Arvel and the others had been extremely rough on the tight knit A-Wing Squadron. Nobody came back the same after that battle.

"All wings report in."

A voice on over the comms snapped him back from the ghost of the past and he focused on the simulated visuals. His hands found the yoke, and began flipping switches to adjust the cockpit interface to his preferences. All that grief and self hatred faded away with Zane as Sticks took over and confidently replied into the secure comm channel.

"Titan 4 standing by."