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Thread: In The Hall of The Ravenwing

  1. #21
    The close call didn't seem to phase him, as Dietre allowed himself the simple pleasures of the Second Form. It was liberating, to be able to run so freely. How long had it been since he'd been able to do such a thing? If he was to trust the chattering blue droid that followed Arya about like some lovesick a'kha'ru, then it was hundreds of years.

    A particularly large shrub loomed ahead, and the vornskr bunched his muscles as he surged ahead, bursting straight through in a shower of snow and leaves, back into the streaming sun.

    His nose found Arya's scent easily enough, and he veered off, claws digging into the soft earth and propelling him forward at a greater pace as he caught up with her easily.

  2. #22
    She ran.

    He ran beside Her, perhaps slowing slightly so he did not pass Her again. She circled around, exhaustion finally overwhelming Her muscles, and slowed to a walk before flopping down in a patch of sunlit snow.

    There is a curse.
    They say: May you live in interesting times.

  3. #23
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    * * *

    The run had been invigorating, though not in the normal way that she had become accustomed to. Now, this was something entirely different. She had watched two of her own kind release themselves and stretch out, grasping and clawing their ways forward to enjoy the freedom of something so simple and freeing that the Change offered. She had let them dash off ahead, releasing pent-up energy and bursting through to a world that was as much theirs as it was hers. It was a strange notion, and a strange feeling that filled her chest now, as they all occupied the cockpit of Arya's ship.

    "There," she intoned. With one hand firmly grasping the back of Jaas' seat, the other lifted to point out an old castle that was perched atop a hillock.

    "That is where we are going."

    The flight itself had been short, all things told. After all, Schwartzweld was a moon, and not an overly large ball of rock. But, it was home nonetheless.

    From a distance, the lines of the Ravenwing Manor were slightly different than those of her own House. Whereas Losstarot architecture tended to be more simple, there was a flourish to the lines of Loveloxx buildings. Decorative arches, pillars that had been etched with intricate carvings and sunsteel inlays. Even despite the dilapidated nature, it was easy to tell that this place had once been a testament to the old ways. Much like her own home here, the house that Ravenwing built had been a grand one.

  4. #24

    Arya landed the Chevette77 directly in front of the old building in what might have been wide driveway at one point. It was thick with grass and weeds, waist high in spots, and formerly ornamental bushes were large enough to hide a full grown bantha.

    As the ship settled and the engine cooled, she sat in her seat while the others began filing back toward the hatch, just staring at the castle-like structure.

  5. #25
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    Twopio tottered in the passage, accidentally forcing everyone to walk around him as he tried to get First Mate Jaas' attention.

    "I must say, Master Jaas, the Gallo pig you have kept is making a nest in a an important conduit junction! If you continue to -" The blue droid paused, circuits computing new information as his optics located the Gallo pig in Jaas' shirt pocket.

    "But if it is there, then how is it also ..." he stiffly waved an arm in the direction of the galley, nearly smacking the blond Alliance officer in the face.

  6. #26
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    Quick reflexes were his only saving grace, and Samus caught Twopio's arm by the wrist just in the nic of time.

    "Easy now, friend," his free hand moved to give the droid a shoulder-pat while easing its hand back dow to its side.

    "Gotta be careful with those fists of steel, you know. I once had a protocol droid give me two black eyes 'cause it wasn't watching where it was wavin' its hand. Dangerous weapons, those."

  7. #27
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    “Oh my!” Twopio carefully lowered his offending limb. “I do apologize Master Dage. It is not in my programming to purposefully injure, I assure you.”

    He tottered backward and ran into Master Jaas. “Oh dear!”

  8. #28
    "Twopio, what did I ssay about perssonal sspace?"

    The hulking Cizerack grumbled loudly as he placed on hand on the back of the droid's neck and pushed him forward until he was completely out of everyone's way.

    "I'll tell you what. You go catch thosse otherr gallo pigss beforre they brreak the sship sso we can eat them forr dinnerr. Ssound good?"

    We with a reassuring slap on the droid's shoulder he turned to lead the rest of the progression once more to the landing ramp. Only pausing to grab his coat and bowcaster. Looking back he didn't see Arya, so he aimed his sarcasm at the next best target; S'Ilancy.

    "Cool lookin' place. Sstill lookss haunted."
    Last edited by Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr; Jun 10th, 2019 at 01:46:09 PM.

  9. #29
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She only gave a shrug, busying herself with tugging at the cuffs of her duty jacket.

    "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it was," came the light-hearted muse. She chose to ignore his sarcasm, and instead met his words with agreement.

    "Old places tend to collect old things."

  10. #30
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    "But I can't - I mean I simply couldn't capture them!" Twopio walked stiffly behind the group. "I don't think you have noticed, Master Jaas, but I am not the most nimble of droids."

    His golden oculars took in the small knot of beings in front of him, and then the droid turned back toward the cockpit. "Is Captain Arya remaining on board?"

  11. #31
    Dietre shouldered past the annoying blue droid with a huff, intent on stepping foot back on Schwartzweld.

    "You are in the way, Droid."

    Reaching behind him, he grasped Arya by her hand, pulling her with him.

    "The Ravenwing is coming with us," he finished gruffly.

  12. #32
    Arya wrenched her hand out of Dietre's grip, growling a little as she joined them in the passage. "Of course I'm coming, nothing more I want to do than share the most crazy moment of my life with four people I barely know and a droid." She'd muttered the sentence under her breath, but with the quality of ears on board it was surely heard by everyone except the human.

    "Jaas, open the door. Kraast, why is everyone jammed in here like this?"

    "Mistress, I mean, Captain Arya, may I -"

    "Yes, Twopio, I need you with me. Cataloguing and recording." Arya turned and popped open a section of the bulkhead in the passage, rummaging through the smuggling hidey-hole and pulling out a top of the line holocam that had 'fallen out' of one of her recent shipments. "Here, Bluebell, wear this."

    She stuck the cam to the droid's chest, pushing him toward the ramp with the rest of the party as the ramp extended and people began making their way out. She ran her hands through her short black hair, pulling it a little, then gave herself a shake and stomped out after everyone else.

  13. #33
    Taking point once more, Jaas stomped down the ramp as it lowered, hunching over at the end and dropped down to the ground seconds before the ramp itself bit into the dirt. Bowcaster at the ready he stepped out cautiously at first, checking for any ugly beasties or spooks in masks. Just like the last place, nothing. It was tempting to let his guard down, but he knew in his heart of hearts that the moment he did that was when some ghoul thing would grab his ankles from under the stairs and pull him to his death. Nope. Not gonna happen, punk.

    Although, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of taking this little journey, spicing it up with some actual monsters and ghosts, and sending it off to Coruscant to be turned into a Iridium Jones holo; or at least a steamy romance novel. Sunsets on schwarzenegger or whatever this planet was called. He swore each time he heard it somebody said it differently.

    "Watch wherre you sstep, Twopio. I don't want to pull you out of a drry well again."

  14. #34
    She was as moody as a dartbird, and Dietre made a face that she couldn't see as he made his way with the rest of the group.

    Stepping foot onto terra firma once more, the Luthgarde pulled in a long breath of crisp air. It was not as cold as it had been at the Losstarot manor, but there was certainly a slight chill in the breeze that now swirled around them. Nothing that would require an overcoat, certainly.

    "It is much more pleasant here," he remarked idly.

  15. #35
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    "We're in the southern regions. Much more temperate, here."

    Her voice was level and light as she stepped from the ramp to the ground. Bits of gravel and chert rock pocked out from the ground weeds and overgrown soil vines that had choked the entirety of the entry drive. What had no doubt once been a beautiful walkway was now a mass of tangled nature.

    Crouched, the Lupine reached out to sweep away a vine and a handful of leaves. She pulled out a few creeping rockflowers, then brushed clear an old paver stone. It was engraved, intricate patterns chiseled into its surface with care.

  16. #36
    Once outside the group spread out a little, probably investigating their surroundings. Arya walked through the middle and straight up what must have been a path in a previous life, making a beeline for the doors.

    A thick wooden vine criss-crossed over the entrance, the double doors tucked into a wide alcove that was nearly inaccessible. She tugged at the plants, and then squeezed through, face first into an insect web on the other side. Arya pulled down the webs, but hesitated at the doors.

    It's my house, she rationalized, giving them a push. The doors swung inward, and she pulled a light off her belt, illuminating the entrance hall as she walked inside.

  17. #37
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    Twopio found himself at the back of the group, but he did his best to keep up with Captain Arya as she made her way up to the great house. He tottered along, adjusting his position to make sure the holocam on his chest had an optimal view, but was stymied by the thick wooden vines that blocked the entrance to the house.

    The blue protocol droid stuck an arm through the vines, and immediately got wedged in place.

    "Oh dear," he said, waving his free arm. "I am unable to follow you, Captain Arya. Please, I am not made for exploration."

  18. #38
    The rest of the party worked on making their way inside, but Arya didn't wait for them.

    Striding ahead, she shone her light on the cobwebbed walls. Huge framed paintings lined the hallway, their surfaces dark with age. She could just make out some of the faces, and a touch of the strange fashions the subjects were wearing. The frames themselves had only a glimmer of shine under the dirt of centuries.

    In all honesty, she had expected much worse when she'd heard how long the building had been sitting here, empty.

    Arya pushed open a set of tall double doors to the right, and found the disrepair she'd anticipated. Part of the roof had fallen in, leaving the room open to the elements. Plants grew through what might have been a carpet at one point but was now just a slush of mold, dirt, and roots. She stepped in and looked up - the room had once been domed, perhaps with multicolored leaded glass?

    Peering up past the woody vines that now crawled through the ceiling, Arya could see the walls of the second and third floors as they stretched up behind this room. Her boots crunched on broken glass, and she knelt down in the detritus, carefully picking up a shard of blue glass.

  19. #39
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Slowly, she moved to stand before one of the time-ravaged paintings. Vague shapes of two people could be made out, and the Lupine let her eye track down to the debris-strewn floor. A grimy shred of carpet caught her eye, and bending down she scooped it up. A few quick swipes on her trousers, and she was reasonably satisfied that it was 'clean' enough. Once more to the painting, she began to slowly wipe away the centuries of dust and dirt.

    Thirty seconds later, and she was staring at a man and a woman. Both looked out at her with calm pride, their arms linked together.

    "Arya... ?"

    Still her gaze remained on the two in the painting. With a free hand she reached out to swipe at the name plate, rubbing away the dirt until she could read the names etched into the flattened goldstone.

    * Lord Karsim Ravenwing ** Lady Mistra Ravenwing *

  20. #40
    He moved to stand beside the Losstarot, dwarfing her.

    "Lord Karsim and Lady Mistra were once great leaders of House Ravenwing," he rumbled, remembering the stories that he had read about the old House Alphas.

    "I read about them a long time ago. They were... "

    Looking closer, Dietre blinked in minor amusement.


    He turned to Arya, still on the other side of the room, his eyes narrowing in curiosity.

    "You look just like Lady Mistra."

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