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Thread: Character Plotters

  1. #1

    Request Character Plotters

    Character Plotters are a fantastically useful resource, but at this point, we're looking at twelve pages of them, and that can be a bit of a chore to rummage through. Your best option right now is to use the Advanced Search and do a "Search Titles Only" keyword search, but that picks up post titles as well as thread titles. if you do a quick one of those for Morgan Evanar for example, you're at #8 on the list before you actually find his plotter. I suppose you could do a search for posts by Morgan Evanar with "Morgan Evanar" in the title, but that feels a smidge complicated.

    Would it be worth adding a sticky thread to the Character Plotters forum so that people can do an "index post" of links to their own plotters? At least that way, all you need to do is CTRL+F to see if who you're looking for has a plotter.

    And/or, would it be possible to repurpose one of the profile feeds? If you click on Morgan Evanar's name (sorry to keep using you as an example, Chris!) there is a "Visit Homepage" option in the context menu. Some folks used to / still do use that to link to their wiki pages, but that's not a consistent thing. Would it be possible to make a duplicate or two of that field, so there is an explicit "Visit Plotter" / "Visit Wiki" / etc link in that context menu? And/or something that would show up underneath the avatar if the field is filled in, the way Location/aka/etc does?
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I like the latter option quite a bit.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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  4. #4
    I know I'm new here but I agree. I'm waiting for someone to say "hey, your plotter looks interesting. Let's go on an adventure.", and it doesn't look like it's happening. How are you suppose to advertise that you are ready to write and get a positive response from other interested Role Players?
    If this would help do that by making it clear which people are active on the site and want to be a part of something, then it's in everyone's benefit.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I've been poking around, but I'm not too sure if it's as easy as adding a new field or if there's a template that is needed. I did add in a temporary field for plotters, but it doesn't translate the url to a clickable link. I'll do some more digging. If any of the other admins want to have a go at it as well, another pair of eyes is always appreciated.

  6. #6
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    I can't find any information on adding another homepage link to profiles. :/

  7. #7
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

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    It's a really good idea that merits more research.

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It looks like clickable link profile fields are something that doesn't come out of the box with vBulletin, though there are plugins that we might be able to use to achieve this.

  9. #9
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Go admins go!

    That being said... I like this idea, if we can suss it out an add in it, awesomesauce.


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