34 :: Karkarodon/Independent :: Reef Rancher

Currently on: Jovan

Character Background

  • Wake is the eldest of three brothers and one sister.
  • His family owns and operates a reef ranch on Karkaris, raising Seaquines, Redfin Stripers and Scaled Hornfish.
  • When he was 15, Wake was caught up in a Redfin swimpede. He now has a veritable map of scars crisscrossing his back from being sliced up by Redfin tails.
  • His parents are both still alive, and still have a hand in keeping the ranch functioning from the sidelines. Most if not all of the heavy work is done by Wake and his siblings.

Raw Material

  • Every so often Wake has been known to get into a batch of abalone snuff dust.
  • He's tall for a Karkarodon, and often uses his height to intimidate other ranchers during current claim disputes.
  • He's normally a quiet sort of guy, but he's not afraid to speak up if the need arises.
  • He enjoys chewing coral root.
  • Given that he's a rancher, Wake is of the early to bed, early to rise sort. Of course, he's also not against a good hard drunk at a bar that lasts into the wee hours of the morning.
  • His favorite drink is Puffers, a trench lager brewed with algae hops.

Plot Ideas

  • Wake comes to Jovan with a shipment of Redfin to help shore up the normal reserves kept by the Pride and Alliance both (mostly the Pride). Being that he's an 'Ocean Boy', his down-home attitude to the more cosmopolitan aspects of Jovan create a bit of friction.
  • Wake gets caught up in a bit of a tussle between two parties. Who they are and what they're riffing about is wide open.
  • Wake ends up in a drinking contest with Gradoona.
  • Wake finds himself coming to someone's rescue over some sort of misunderstanding.

Existing Relationships

  • None yet.
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Current Plots

  • None yet.
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Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D