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Thread: Sith Holocron: The Tanaab Force Academy

  1. #1

    Sith Sith Holocron: The Tanaab Force Academy


    Nested in agricultural plains outside of Pandath City, the Academy has taken up residence inside an aging castle from a forgotten time. Constant renovation has restored much of the grandeur of the castle. The walls and structures rebuilt to create space for the Academy. The castle has been segregated into levels. The base of the hill houses the beginning students and their classrooms. The further up the hill the grandeur the structures and more advance the classrooms. At the very top lives the teaching staff and the most prestigious of students.

    The Academy is a font of knowledge. The use of the Force is not the only knowledge one can find within it's walls. A full curriculum can also be learned for those who need both an education and wish to master the ancient arts of the force. Those without the gift of force are kept separate from the rest of the student body outside of classes. The school has no official stance in the light/dark debate. They operated within a strictly neutral standing and teach just the techniques of the force and nothing more. How their students choose to use their knowledge after graduation is up to them as educated individuals.

    Due to it's nature as a temple of the force, even if a calculated and neutral one at that, the Academy is under constant scrutiny from the Tanaab government and the galaxy beyond it's orbit. The planet has pushed for a neutral standing, remaining outside the control of both the Empire and the Alliance. Those who would rather not see such an Academy exist are forced to watch from the outside for any theoretical wrongdoing. The Academy welcomes anyone who wishes to tour the grounds and drives a positive PR Campaign to paint a better picture of the Academy than their opponents cast.

    Everyone is welcome, provided they can afford the tuition. Special cases are made for aspiring students of great potential.


    The Academy hides a dark secret. Just beneath the surface of the so called neutral academy sits the new throne of the Sith Order. After perishing horribly in the tombs of Korriban, the Sith Order has been resurrected by Lady Frygt with the help of Sith Survivor Ezra Na'chtion. Together they formed the school as a cover for the Order.

    Together they are dedicated to ushering a new chapter of the Sith Order. From the academy students they select those with strong abilities and the necessary personalities to be groomed into becoming sith during their stay. Not all students will be swayed to the darkside. Only those easily manipulated or whom harbor evil within.

    Additional members are brought in from outside the academy; some even taking teaching positions themselves while others lurk beneath the surface, hiding in the catacombs beneath the castle or raiding long dead worlds for artifacts of the Sith.

    The catacombs are being increasingly enlarged; excavation increasing the size and scope. Down there the sith train and grow stronger, while monsters breed in Ezra's horrible laboratory. A tunnel has been dug to Pandath. With the help of Minister Prowl the City, and the planet, are under Sith control whether they know it or not.

    Acolyte - Apprentice - Knight - Lord - Master

    Lady Frygt Master Chancellor
    Ezra Na'chtion Lord Vice-Chancellor
    Razadi Syfa Apprentice
    Alazne Gni Los Apprentice
    Dakler Prown Minister

    Last edited by Ezra Na'chtion; Jun 5th, 2016 at 09:15:15 PM.

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