It was not his first trip to the glittering gem of Ossus. However, this time he was not met with raised weapons. The Jedi were still cautious of him but familiarity was beginning to breed understanding. They still did not know who or what he was. That was not information that could be disclosed. Not yet. Zereth believed that Eleutheria, and the work it did, was a benefit to the whole galaxy; and they had nothing to hide in so noble a cause. Lilaena saw things differently, and he agreed that the secrecy was necessary. They were too few, too weak for the entire galaxy to know they were here. For now they would be but wraiths, skirting the galaxy; hiding, biding their time, to strike only when necessary. The Empire was their enemy, but it was not their purpose. Saving those born with the power of the force was. A new generation would rise in the future and take their place. Because of what they did here, in the shadows, the future generation would be able to stand tall, proud, and unafraid.

That was his purpose on Ossus once again. Delivering not one, but two children into the care of the Jedi. A child and a teenager. Siblings. They both wanted to be Jedi more than anything, and when offered the choice, they jumped at the chance to meet the once legendary Jedi. It was always disappointing when they chose to not stay with them on Dantooine. They could use all the recruits they could find. It was not his place to make them stay. That was the entire point and purpose of Eleutheria. To create the freedom to choose. When they made their choice it was up to him, and the others, to ensure they were delivered safely to their destination of choice; whether it be family, friends, Ossus, Tanaab, or anywhere in between. The galaxy was a treacherous place and many would prey upon the adepts. They would not pluck them from the teeth of the Empire only to let them fall to another predator.

With his delivery complete, and the day passing into the evening and the last of the transports had already left for the cycle. Zereth inquired if he would be allowed to stay the night. The Jedi were understanding, but could not allow him to stay in the camp. He was a benefactor, but one understandably not trusted. Lodging in the woods would be the next best choice. He would make camp away from them. This did not sit well with them either. He would still be a rogue element allowed to walk freely about the area. Instead they instructed him to stay with one of the Jedi, a Trianii man who had set up his own housing away from the camp, in the woods. Zereth had no objections, and after being gifted a sleeping mat and blanket, he headed off in the instructed direction.

A pair of Jedi followed him all the way, only falling away when the flourishing tree house came into view. Dressed in his practical traveling clothes, black of course, and red cape he looked out of place among the Jedi, and especially here in the forest. Approaching the treehouse he called out, letting the inhabitants know he had arrived.