"Well, jI don't count them ljightljy." Taataani returned in gratitude, bowing her head slightly in a gracious nod. She reached her right hand under Jaden's left arm with an assertive embrace as she escorted him away from the tarmac.

"jI don't envjy the decjissjion jyou made. The prrevajiljing thoughtss jin the Rrepubljic thjink of the Rressjisstance and the Fjirrsst Orrderr asss the ssame prroblem. Two bjickerrjing chjildrren underr the ssame rroof. Morre than a few ssee me asss a thrreat. An oussterred Chancellorr who abssconded jinto the Outerr Rrjim to bujild an arrmjy to one dajy turrn back on the Ssenate."

Taataani added nothing further, keeping her eyes on her path for a few moments to allow Jaden to ruminate on that possibility.