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Thread: The Force Awakens - Reactions.. thoughts (no spoilers)

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    Star Wars The Force Awakens - Reactions.. thoughts (no spoilers)

    For the moment, I am not going to discuss any of the plot at all, or tempt you with spoiler tags, because one the main strengths of this movie is the story, and being on the edge of the seat wondering what happens next. I will also say I only watched the trailers, posters and teasers before the movie, and basic stuff like who were members of the cast, the director etc.

    I was at the 10 am premiere at Colosseum in Oslo, and I had actually booked a day off at office. The way they released these tickets were a bit of a scandal, as they just put them on sale all of a sudden with no prewarning. I had booked ticket with seat on the middle of the first row on the first screening (in 3D). Outside the theater, there was a TIE fighter and some stormtroopers, but not so many who did cosplay. Before the movie, there was an introduction by a representative from Disney, and he told how nervous they had been the movie would get ready in time, because J.J. Abrams had been tweaking on it until release day.

    So the question you are probably asking yourself, is this the movie star wars fans have been waiting for? Has J.J. Abrams redeemed the saga, and put it back on track with the feel of the Original Trilogy? The answer to that question is a clear and resounding HELL YES! By the end of it, rather than excited, I would describe the feeling more as numb and paralyzed in my disbelief how good this movie was. I mean, this is not only on par with ANH and ESB, but I am conflicted could it even be better than those two??

    Heresy you say! Well.. TFA has the fun, humour and adventure of ANH on one end, which makes it very similar to that in those ways. But on the other hand, I would say this is also the darkest movie of the series (it is clear Disney had no influence in this creation), and we have some serious character development and plot twists, which reminds me of ESB. It has some of the best elements of both worlds, and is not only clinically clean from any of those things which annoyed the fans in the prequels, but it goes in the diametrical opposite approach in how the movie is made (compared to TPM). J.J. Abrams finally gets it. He understands what it is all about. It has always been about the characters and the story. Still, TFA raises the bar over the OT in some aspects. It is emotionally powerful, as it brought me to tears several moments in the film. It is dark and unpredictable. But it also all works so well together as a movie. There was not a single moment I was bored. All I wanted was the story to never end (those 2 hours feels short), and I am so excited to see what happens next.

    Star Wars fans all over the world may rejoice. The Force has indeed Awakened. And it is going to sink that boat.

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    Very early on in the film, I leaned towards Peter, and said, "I can't believe how good this is!"

    That point still stands. You will hear me say that The Force Awakens is an "actual film," and it is not an attempt to be damning with faint praise, but rather, it is an attempt to highlight just how remarkable the difference is between the prequels and this film: it has such authenticity, such spirit, and humour, the characters are full and endearing and they made me smile from ear-to-ear - I was aware of just how much I was smiling during this film - the cinematography is bold and confident, it is a beautiful film to see, with a plot to carry it that never really holds back, except wisely for a few key emotional scenes, and it is a plot that doesn't rely on the drone of Basil Exposition to move it along or explain anything to its audience. It was a pure joy, a wonderful cinema experience. That is what I mean by when I say it is an actual movie - it is skilled, confident, and smart in all of its creative facets. A compliment I could never lay at the feet of the prequel trilogy.

    And I really don't think I'm gushing here. I am wary of doing that, and I think Fury Road remains the best film I've seen this year, but I'd have to give The Force Awakens another go, or three, before I decide, and that will be no hardship at all. So, like you, Yog, I allowed for a quiet moment after the film, to allow it all to sink in, to confirm that that had actually just happened - that Star Wars had just secured its place in the hearts of generations to come.

    I've been home an hour now, and I'm still smiling.

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    Also: BB-8?

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    I'm not sure how to put into words what I'm feeling. I think Yog had it right: numb, almost. I just cannot believe how good it was and how much I enjoyed it. Every single scene was a delight to watch.

    Some of it was incredibly tense, some of it moving, and all of it just a great adventure!

    Wow. BB8

  5. #5
    My initial Facebook reaction was "flawless", and I stand by that. The visuals, the pacing, the tone, the humour, the fact that every single shot was packed to bursting with details that it'll take a dozen rewatches to see all of... the "you remember that thing that was awesome in the originals? BLAM here is is 10x as awesome!" stuff... I cannot, and will not find fault in this movie.

    I saw in an interview earlier this week that JJ is terrified that us fans won't like it enough. You have nothing to worry about, Mr Abrams. You didn't just knock it out of the park, you knocked it clean out of the galaxy.

    And seriously: as fantastic as absolutely everyone in the entire cast was, BB-8 is definitely the MVP, by far.
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  6. #6
    Scout Ravenwood
    I really disagree and feel I will get eaten alive, but my opinion?

    Good, not great. It's a fun film, but it's such a throwback to the original movies it barely has an original idea to its core. Practically every single scene in the movie echoes a specific other scene from the original trilogy. I just felt like I was watching a Greatest Hits album. The new characters are great, but the actual plot of the movie, to me, was pretty uninteresting.

    I don't see anybody in thirty years time remembering, quoting and worshipping scenes from this movie like they do the originals.

  7. #7
    Wow - just loved it. I agree with some of the sentiment that it's a greatest hits collection, but still loving it. I need to put my thoughts together when I'm a bit more awake, but that was a great premiere.

  8. #8
    Utterly amazing. I feel this movie utterly outclasses the prequels, is better than Jedi, and possibly even better than A New Hope. Empire reigns supreme, but in my mind, the gap is a sliver wide

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    Loved it

    oh what a tangled web I weave

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    I kind of felt overwhelmed. I hate myself for saying that but I think from all the people on facebook I seem to be the one who enjoyed it least. It's a really good film but something was missing for me at my first viewing. I will watch it again tomorrow and I hope my Star Wars Stockholm Syndrome kicks in again.

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    I enjoyed the hell out of it. My biggest complaint? No one I know has seen it yet, so I'm just dancing around like I have to pee when I talk to people.

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    I questioned my fandom after watching it last night. It didn't feel like a real Star Wars movie. It felt like a JJ Abrams movie. The pacing was horrid, I found myself unable to really relate to the characters because they just kept moving to action sequences (which were spectacular). I didn't even pick up on their names until half way through even. It felt more like a rehashing of the classic Star Wars than a movie that would continue the story in a new direction. What JJ did with Star Wars is carbon copy of what he did with Star Trek less lens flare. It failed to capture me as a viewer.

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    *bans everyone with Wrong Opinions*

  14. #14
    Clearly they don't understand the "If Jace and Holly agree on something, it must be true" rule.

  15. #15
    Scout Ravenwood
    I'm not as bad as Travis, but I do feel like everybody else saw something I didn't.

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