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Thread: Star Wars Rebels (2014)

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    While it doesn't diminish my enthusiasm about the show at all, I thought that trailer was awful.

  2. #22
    It was pretty disjointed and told me next to nothing about the show, but I'm a shameful horrible star wars nerd who will gobble this shit up and grin either way.

  3. #23
    I actually thought it did a pretty good job of telling us stuff we didn't already know?

    In fairness, I'm viewing it in the context of having seen all the little character videos on youtube... but it explained the basic premise: there's some little kid who meets this "team" of main characters who are "a rebel cell". They tangle with the Imperials, and the main villain - the Inquisitor - is after them because the leader of the cell is a Jedi.

    I don't think that's something we actually knew already; it certainly cleared things up for me.
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    We just watched the Spark of a Rebellion at the movies and we liked it. You could argue that the second half felt abit rushed but on the other hand a pilot needs to establish a lot of characters especially a show with an ensemble cast like Rebels. My favorite Charakter so far is Hera, the mother of the Ghost's crew.
    And yes it is Firefly in the Star Wars Universe. Oh and the way they visualis the force is great.

  5. #25
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    I am really enjoying this so far. It's definitely not Clone Wars - very different style, very different tone - but it's very much a show for fans of all of Star Wars: lots of references, lots of quotes, lots of in-jokes. The one thing in particular that I really enjoy is the sound effects: hearing walkers clunking around and TIEs screaming overhead with exactly the right noises is fantastic, and there's lots of very familiar musical cues too - there's a real sense of "I know what this music means!" about it, which is great.

    It's a smidge jarring to go from Season 6 of Clone Wars to Season 1 of Rebels, because they've kinda reset the clock on their target audience: Clone Wars kinda grew/matured with it's audience, whereas Rebels is back to being as accessible to all ages as possible, to maximise it's audience appeal. Works out great for me, though: makes it easier to indoctrinate my niece in preparation for Episode VII.

    The characters are great too. They've changed up the animation style, and that's letting them be a lot more nuanced with the "performances" - Hera is my favourite too, she comes across as very caring and genuine... but it's all subtle expressions and unspoken stuff, which is really impressive. Met the Inquisitor in the most recent episode as well: he is creepy evil, and I like it.

  6. #26
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    Finally started this. It's pretty good so far. I liked the Clone Wars animation (esp. after the first season) better, but I like the strong non-Jedi characters of Rebels. My favorite episodes of the Clone Wars were the ones with the bounty hunters and pirates. I would have loved to see a Han Solo-type character in the Clone Wars. I do wish the story was a bit more mature, but it is a kid's show on Disney XD, so I have to keep that in mind.

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