So I'm putting a thread in here! I squatted my goal of 110-lbs tonight and got video evidence.
Check it out!
Share your weight lifting programs and PRs.
So I'm putting a thread in here! I squatted my goal of 110-lbs tonight and got video evidence.
Check it out!
Share your weight lifting programs and PRs.
oh what a tangled web I weave
Thought you were about to hit that rail-assist squat rack and I was sad, then immediately happy again when you got on the free rack and banged out three great squats! Your form looks good and you've got nice control! Up that weight killer!
Lookin p. good. I guess I should record some of my lifts for diagnostics.
Look at these terribly bulky female weight lifters! /sarcasm
Seriously, they're awesome.
I did a 70 lb overhead press yesterday. Just one rep, lol. I went for another after a rest but couldn't get it up. Still, an accomplishment!
I've made new toxx goals over at SA, which are:
Achieve the Intermediate level deadlift and squat (for woman 148 lbs) by July 30th 2013
I'm adjusting my training schedule though as the half marathon I am signed up for is quickly approaching. So I'll be only lifting twice a week and running three times. I'm not too far off from these goals but I really need to get my cardio in gear or I'm gonna die/fail this run on May 19th. So I'm giving myself plenty of time to achieve the lifts so I don't stress out about it.
Restarted lifting on Wednesday - lost some of my gains from taking a month off (had to concentrate on running when I had time to go work out), but all in all I'm doing ok. I even got a PR in bench!
Current stats:
Back Squat - 100lbs (PR is 110)
Deadlift - 135lbs (PR is 150)
Bench - 90lbs (PR)
OHP - 60lbs (PR is 70lbs)
Looking forward to getting stronger.
New PRs !
Deadlift: 165
Squat: 135
Bench: 95
I really wanted to get my bench to 100 but I also didn't want to squash myself like a bug so I just stuck with 95.
Completed the intermediate window maker quest on Fitocracy - 20 squats at half my bodyweight in a single set.
made my goal of a 140lb squat. Now to make sure I get to parallel next time
ice, ice, baby
I haven't progressed to higher 1 RMs yet in my lifts, but I've certainly been working on adding more reps. I can only get about 3 squats at 135lb though before I have to rest. Having a forced absence from the gym of three weeks certainly hasn't helped! Also I've lost more weight, a little, and I think I'm at the point where I'm going to have to work for gains and eating at a deficit doesn't help that.
This month's special goal is heaviest 20rep squat, or Widowmaker.
i call this the ....babymaker?
If we had more people (than me) lifting, I would start a whiteboard.....
is purple your favorite color?