I am going to work on tweaking this theme - anything you like and want to keep, anything you would rather was changed up?
- Fixed width or not?
- Character banners? (I would add more not get rid of any - providing my PsD files are somewhere so I can change the name)
- Text in banner? Obviously the name but maybe add character names in a watermark (Change SW-fans.net to theholo.net)
- marked read, unread buttons? I made lightsaber icons for the obiwan style and I sort of love them so much, I could recolor those and use them for this one too?
I would like to stay with the current color scheme, for one because its easy on my eyes and it is also fairly unique among the other board styles.
Also I'm up for changing the post icons we have, I think maybe if they're uploaded and named exactly the same as the old ones they would just repopulate? But even if that doesn't work if we want to change we certainly can.
Edit:speaking of post icons >_>