Instinct, pure instinct told Razielle that her daughter was terrified. The night air carried to her the sound of the little girls tears. Furious that anything should make her baby cry the vampyre Master made good use of her preternatural speed and was moving towards her daughter. In moments she was there, outside Elysium and picking Somara up.

"There now.. Why is my poppet crying? Somara.. what happened to your dress and why are you outside?"

Somara sniffled in her mother's arms and related the story of flying right through the man who had scared her. Razielle was displeased...

Very displeased.

"I suggest you make a timely appearance, or I swear by everything unholy that I'll bring that beast in for dinner and you will be the main course."

Razielle's violet eyes locked on the spot where Han was hidden from plain sight.