Seth examined his stomach in the medbay. The Emdee droids had cleaned it and patched it up with synthflesh. This scar was different then all his other scars. His other scars were emotional and memorial scars. This scar was an actual scar. His first scar on his new body. Only then did Seth realize that he had barely ever bruised his new body. His skin was weak, but would return to it's natural color in about a week with daily Bacta treatments.

Failure, Seth thought to himself. He had experienced more failure. Seth knew what he was capable of. He knew his limitations and when a battle had ended. The Sith had expected to lose when he discovered Vis's and Jeseth's strategy of teaming up. He was quite amazed at how long he lasted in the fight. He knew if Jeseth wouldn't have weakened his body with Force Lightning, he would've lasted longer.

Seth stare across the room at his armor. A slave had been nice enough to polish his armor and sword, as well as mend his cloak. He noticed the gauntlets were nowhere to be found. Then Seth realized that they had been crushed in battle. He would have to forge newer and stronger gauntlets.

"What is to be done with this horrid life of mine?" Seth spoke to himself, searching within for answers. "What does the Dark Side ask of me?"

...... He was met with complete silence. Even the voice in his head would not speak. Seth was too tired to react in anger. He could barely move his neck. Even using the Force was tiring.

Seth felt a presence nearby. He pressed one hand down on the bed and managed some leverage. He wondered who was coming. He couldn't quite make out the Force signature due to his weakness.