I tried to post this last night at some apparently-un-godly-hour because when I went to post it had timed out and when I went back all the data was lost. As such I will try to re-post as best I can.

So, I've been checking the site out and getting some ideas and a feel for the forums overall. Some of what I see I like, but some things I didn't even know how to process. And that's why I'm taking the time to write this up, not once, but twice. Why? Because I apparently like you guys or something, and this forum needs new writers and ideas if it's going to survive - well beyond it's current state.

The first culprit is a post I saw that said someone had looked through archives of role plays that are six years old in order to see what threads might want to be revitalized. If it's been dead for six years, it's because people most likely want it to stay that way. On sites that I've been to, threads are considered dead after anywhere between 1 and 24 hours - depending on site activity. Now I realize that this site likely has a lower active user pool, but two weeks should indicate a dead bored. Too me it does, at any rate.

The biggest offender, however, was what I read on the wiki about the genre "Myth". Scanning the threads, I notice not a single one. 'Why is this?' I inquire of myself. I precede to read the wiki further. . . . 'Wait. You're kidding. There's no way I can actually be reading this.' I actually said this by the way. Why? Because the wiki describes the entirety of the genre of "Myth" as a single plot for a role play. There is nothing wrong with the plot, except for the fact that it is way too narrow for describing the entire fantasy genre. Fantasy/Myth should be the largest category of any forum that facilitates role playing. But I'm biased.

I love fantasy of all kinds. Here, I will give the benefit of the doubt that A) this is a SW site so it should have the highest thread-count and B) the wiki could be outdated. If you feel I'm wrong then go ahead and say so, but last I checked, writers enjoy having a variety of options to choose from, and if you have role played long enough, topics can go stale quickly. Telling the user that he/she is limited to what and who they can write is the fastest way to cut a thread in my experience - sans scissors. To remedy this, I am likely going to post several threads using different plots and characters (all on this account for simplicity's sake) and we can see if any of them stick.

Assuming that you actually read all of this and maybe-even-give-more-than-half-of-an-albino-hairless-rat's-ass,
Respectfully yours,