So the basic idea is that Jason Todd has returned to Gotham after X years after being dead and he's getting acquainted with the city while he goes about building underworld connections and getting a base established.

The evidence surrounding his death was strong enough to convince the Worlds Greatest Detective. He's created a solid cover for himself and he will avoid any risk of running into Bruce like the plague. So my only request is to avoid trying to make the connection of Jessie Tucker to Jason Todd.

The very tiny list of people who might have known Jason back in the day might get a brief sense of "Do I know you?" but will dismiss the question and not be given reason to think about it again... yet.

Other than that... we can make the encounter into a mini-story unto itself, have Jason witness some event that ties into a thread you have planned, or even just a passing conversation. Basically, Jason will just be the vehicle for your introduction (whether actively involved or a background witness), in between 1-2 post interludes where I do my own thing.

The hope is to keep it relatively brief so we can cycle through different tangents. Nice and simple.

Let's try to limit the number of people (and alt toons) involved at each stop, too. Like 1-3 at most per scene, so everyone gets a spotlight.

Jason's arrival is at the Gotham Docks. A good place for someone to be picking something up for their company, making criminal plans, or whatever. After this he'll make the rounds to the library, QI, Arkham, or wherever else if you guys have a suggestion.

Sound off in here if you're interested and we'll go from there.