The shuttle ride down to the surface of Mon Cal was a spectacle unlike anything that Adan had ever seen. Coming from Iridonia, a bleak dry planet scoured with radiation, Mon Cal seemed to have no land at all. It was a virtual water planet with cities floating on the waves and extending down into the surface. Everything that he had seen was organic and natural. The only things that stood out as unnatural on the surface was the Alliance built structures. The Gods of the Universe must have a quirky sense of humor, he thought. Such planets as different as they were, were beyond his imagination.

Adan was a Commander in the 3rd Alliance Fleet. He had been called to Mon Cal to take command of his ship, a ship that he was still in the dark about. He wondered if it was one of the mighty Mon Cal cruisers being constructed in the shipyards. Or was it one of the other older cruisers or destroyers that formed the defense fleet. Adan didn't know. All he knew was that he recieved his summons. It could be that they would just let them go.

Leaving the shuttle, Adan made his trek to the innoculous office 457-BA Port. That was sector 4, level 5 district 7. BA stood for something that Adan had no idea about. Port meant it was on the port side of the landing bay. Twice he had to circle back around as the corridor dove deeply into the ocean. Finally, he found his way and entered the door. The office on the other side was sparse but accommodating and the attendent behind the desk looked up with one eye as she continued to look at her datapad.

"Commander Kolar, welcome. Have a seat, I will announce you and then you can enter."

Adan shrugged and sat down. He had no idea who was on the other side of the door. Hopefully it was good news.

[[tag any officer of the 3rd fleet]]