Ambria was a small desert planet in the Ambria system, located in the Stenness Node of the Inner Rim Territories.

Animal life on Ambria included herds of staga, small lizards called neeks, and the strange, evil dragons called Hssiss from Lake Natth, a place strong with the dark side of the Force.

It was home to the Jedi Master Thon shortly before the Great Sith War. In 4,002 BBY, Thon took Oss Wilum as his Padawan on Ambria, following the elimination of its life by a Sith Sorceress. In 4,000 BBY Thon took Nomi Sunrider as Padawan on Ambria. Also, it was the main war machine for the Sith Empire, creating warships for the Great Hyperspace War.

Darth Bane first came to the world in 1,000 BBY. Following the Battle of Ruusan, Bane trained his apprentice, Darth Zannah, on the world until 990 BBY. Ten years later, the two dueled, and Bane was defeated there.
Canonically, Ambria is a dead world. With no major cities, and only ore/minerals to offer as exports, the planets only inhabitants are a host of hostile beats. Around the time of the Purge, Jedi sought refuge here - but it's clear that from Ambria's history, this is a world of the Dark Side.

Why do we want Ambria?

* Naturally, because it is strong in the Force. The terrain is rugged and challenging, making Ambria a fantastic world for Sith training to take place.
* Like Hapes and Zeltros, Ambria is a stones throw away from Onderon - allowing us free and fast movement between worlds.

How do we go about taking control of Ambria?

My initial thoughts are that we establish a single out post there. This mountain range over looks the 'meditative canyon' which seems to be the centre of the planet's Force Nexus. The mountains would provide us a secure, discreet location to operate out of.

I would guess that our first step would be scouting out the world, exploring what it has to offer, and eventually making our way into the mountains to establish our foothold.

I could be wrong, but I don't imagine that any of our current characters would want to permanently set up shop, as it were, on Ambria. I am going to have Salem recommend to Professor Nascimento (the Arkanian geneticist he has recently brought to Onderon to see the Queen) that she take control of the abandoned BioTech Industries outpost on Ambria and salvage whatever she and her aide can, to begin working on some less than ethical cybernetic/biomedical stuff.

By contrast to Zeltros, absorbing this world into our coalition is much less about deception and politics and much more about straight up adventure, exploration and delving into the primitive aspects of the Dark Side.

Thoughts, questions, ideas?