Since I've begun regularly logging in via the front page, I couldn't help but notice the general lack of news items being posted.

The current 'Galactic Holonet' news items of late are great, however they only appear to get posted once every blue moon.

A suggestion - instead of having a dedicated 'Frontpage News' forum, why not instead link the news portal to our Star Wars Roleplaying forum? It would ensure a regular stream of new items every day, and would even help showcase our roleplays (since that is what our board does most these days) to any visitors that drop by.

(assuming of course this can be done - I'm guessing it can because from memory when we first moved to vB we had the news items linked to one of our general forums initially before creating a dedicated 'News' forum)

EDIT: to pre-empt any "What's the big deal?" queries - it's just a habit of mine when trawling sites, blogs etc to firstly check the most recent date of update as this indicates (to me anyway) how active the site is. With our last news item dated from November 2008 and earlier updates fairly sporadic I just feel that our frontpage doesn't really promote how active our board really is.