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Thread: Cave Raiders: The Epic Adventures of Wyl and Rhianna!

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    Cave Raiders: The Epic Adventures of Wyl and Rhianna!

    After a successful days excercise of connecting their eager minds to the force, Rhianna and Wyl met at their previously planned location. It was their free time, after their daily regiments but before their evening meal. The routine had started when Rhianna had made the habbit of walking alone through out the complex, late in the afternoons. She'd caught Wyl, without Daria, poking around at one of the blocked off tunnel entrances. Even though he had assured her that he was 'Just looking and would be fine.' Rhianna had been skeptical. She'd spent long winters in vast caverns not unlike these. It was not hard to become lost.

    She would have very much have liked to simply send him on his way. However, it would have been a futile attempt on a very good, but also very curious little boy. Caves were awesome, kids liked to see what mysteries they could find in their dark corners. She had often led a rabble of 'shorter persons' through them back home. However, it was not her place to scold him, he was her friend, not her charge. So she had just elected to accompany him for her own peace of mind.

    Besides, that was part of why she had started taking these walks, to clear her head. She felt her judgement seriously impaired on many levels. Where previously she had thought things movingly along as they should have been, now there was a shadow of doubt.

    Was she not still Rhianna, of the Tincéir? Or had she given that up to become Rhianna of the Jedi? Were her own keen senses of danger no longer serving her, that she would place someone she cared about in peril? She really wanted to go to Morgan and spill her guts and see what he had to say on the matter, because she so valued his opinion, but that was also part of the problem. What if that was not what she was suppose to do? She was supposed to be focusing on her training, not Morgan. She understood basic enough to get that message quite clearly..

    "Ouch..", she muttered.. Scraping the top of her head on the sloping roof of the cave.

    Wyl gave her the most incredulous look. Rhianna was usually far more cave savvy. Perhaps she had been safer walking in the charted areas of the complex.

    She grinned, "Sorry.. I was out walking in the clouds again." She lifted her wrist, shining the light higher as they walked.

    "So what shall we conquer today, my brave sir?"
    Last edited by Rhianna; Jan 12th, 2008 at 07:30:19 PM.


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