Kyle Krogen, Jedi Knight and head of the Naboo Jedi Academy, made his way through the mildew stinking halls of the old monastery-like structure that had become the Temple of the Jedi Academy. The building was nearly completely constructed of stone and had little in other means of structure. Kyle could not even tell what was holding the building together. He could not see any mud in the cracks so it was possible that the structure was based upon the weight of the stone stacked upon the first. It was a bit scary to walk through the temple with that knowledge. You always fun yourself examining the stonework for any breaks or cracks that could result in a collapse, and your death.

But death was not the point of his activities today. Rather something completely different. He had two youngs birds under his wings and both needed serious training before they would be ready to leave the temple and re-enter the world. The Force was strong in them, but very untaimed. It took the guiding hand of a teacher to form the pupil from a blunt rod into a sharp blade.

Today Kyle would be teaching Axius, the green skinned and tendrilled young man who he had picked up on Coruscant along with the others. He would like to teach them all, but he could only teach them one at a time. Axius showed the most promise and Kyle decided he'd start with him before moving on to teach the others.

So there he was, walking into the main chamber of the temple. By all appearences it had been used for ritual sacrifices. A large sacrifical stone had stood on a podium in the center of the room, caked in the blood of thousands slay upon it's surface. The stone had been removed and the blood cleaning up. Now the podium, a rough circle ten feet in diameter, stood alone and empty in the center of the room. Kyle walked over to this podium and took a seat on the ground, sitting crossed legged and resting his hands loosely on his lap.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. He located the mind of Axius and send a simple telepathic message; [i]Meet me in the main chamber.[/b]