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Thread: Starships in service

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  1. #1
    Teleran Balades

    Starships in service

    (Stickey please)

    I thought that I’d put this up as a reference, I’m most likely missing quite a few ships. Just post here to add a ship. Khendon has overall say in what ships are used and whether they are group specific (IE: Navy, Inquisitoriate, Office of the Executor)


    TIE Fighter
    TIE Interceptor
    TIE Bomber
    TIE Scout
    TIE Viper (Veteran pilots only)
    TIE Aggressor (Veteran pilots only)
    TIE Defender (Elite pilot only)
    TIE Interdictor (Veteran bomber pilot only)
    Scimitar Bomber (Elite bomber pilot only)
    XG-1 Assault Gunboat

    Light Vessels (under 100m)

    Y-4 Transport
    Sentinel Landing Craft
    Skipray Blastboat
    Customs Frigate
    Decimator-class Assault Ship
    Guardian-class Cruiser
    Lambda-class Shuttle
    DX-9 Assault Shuttle

    Medium Vessels(100-500m)
    System Patrol Craft
    Vibre-class Assault Cruiser
    Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser
    Rapier-class Gunship
    Customs Corvette
    Lancer-class Frigate
    Nebulan-B Frigate
    Nebulan-B2 Frigate
    Assault Transport
    Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    Response-class Light Cruiser
    Strike cruiser
    Broadside-class Missile Cruiser

    Large Vessels (500-1600m)
    Escort Carrier
    Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    Demolisher-class Destroyer
    Enforcer-class Cruiser
    Interdictor-class Cruiser
    Seydlitz-class Cruiser
    Curiassier-class Heavy Cruiser
    Assault Frigate
    Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser

    Command Vessels (Not size specific)
    Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    Victory-class II Star Destroyer
    Aurora-class Star Destroyer
    Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
    Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
    Dominator-class Star Destroyer
    Super-class Star Destroyer (Unless you’re a Grand Admiral, don’t even ask. Even then the answer is most likely no.)
    Soveriegn-class Star Destroyer (ditto)

    Inquisitoriate Vessels
    Scythe-class Gunship
    Spectre-class Corvette
    Shade-class Starfighter
    Cairn-class Cruiser
    Exorcist-class Cruiser
    Sepulchre-class Battleship

    Office of the Executor Vessels
    TIE Reaper
    Insuperable-class Star Destroyer

    More to come…
    Last edited by Karl Valten; May 23rd, 2012 at 11:06:53 AM.


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