If you were thinking of going to see Hostel, don't bother. Let me sum it up for you: "tits, weed lol, tits, naked girls, OMG YOU CHOPPED MY FINGERS OFF- but now i have chopped yours off, and we are even." I don't know why Tarantino is endorsing this tripe.

It was laughable, at times, in the same way that Creep amused me with its shambling gimp - but not to the same extent. The fact that the first half of the film is basically a poorly-acted softcore porn movie means that you feel no sympathy, in any way, for the characters when they finally do become embroiled in some sinister eastern European flesh trade.

The most you're likely to get out of it is a couple of laughs, which aren't even worth the price of a cheap student ticket. Just rent Pulp Fiction instead.