Of course it wasn't realistic and Grace wasn't asking for complete control. She didn't want absolute power like her brother. It was why she worked so hard to do what she felt was right in her heart to complete the mission, save lives and make the tough decisions with a clear conscious. No, it wasn't easy deciding who lived and who died but in the end, the greater good of the Alliance's purpose continued. Those sacrifices were not in vain but allowed the celebration of freedoms throughout dozens upon dozens of systems.

She didn't need the Force. She didn't need to accept her lupine heritage. Her brother Vega's and Captain s'Ilancy's corruption was proof enough the dual power within her held too much temptation to stray from the mission. Her purpose was to serve and protect the systems of the Alliance without having every single move approved by a fucking committee.

The minister was offering her that opportunity again.

"It's not really my forte but I suppose I can fluff up the news when needed, Minister."

Though Meorrrei was smart enough to know that if the news was shit, no amount of polished and posh words would make it shine.

She locked eyes with Meorrrei and inclined her head out of respect. "I accept your terms and take the du’arri, Minister Meorrrei."

Her accent was as perfect as a human could achieve with Cizerack, wanting to display how serious she was in continuing the work of Alliance Intelligence under new leadership.