* takes place before these events

It had started like a normal day with evaluating a few of the newest medical recruits to the station. Lorna liked this side of her job on Jovan, as she had done that on several occasions in the past, when she was helping develop curriculum in local med schools. She had been back for a few weeks and had fallen back into the rhythm of her assignment. While she missed her field work with the Director, she had never considered any tasks beneath her and working here was still the crystallization of years orbiting the Alliance before officially joining.

Drinking her third cup of caf since her early morning, Lorna was stretching her legs in between appointments, letting her mind unwind, even though she scolded herself for where it briefly wandered. Focusing back on the task at hand, something that came easy to the near-human, she heard her comlink beep with what indicated an emergency alert. Switching her half-empty cup to another hand, she fetched the small device and checked the message, which immediately brought a frown to her face.

A lot more happen on the station than one might think and this latest bit of news definitely beyond what one might expect when just visiting the place or reading about it.

She quickly checked with her assistant to reschedule the rest of her day. She had the feeling this was going to take a while. Gathering some of her portable equipment, including breathing devices, she promptly left the medbay and fetched a vehicle for she wasn't going to just walk or even jog to the other side of the station.


Ten minutes later, she arrived at one of the main dock hubs of the station, that was mostly for personal transports of the upper class; but also for some of their personal belongings. Lorna wasn't one hundred percent sure how this specific one operated but the zone had been closed off the public and decontamination teams were already going into the inside perimeter. The medical doctor made her way to the security gate that had been set up so personnel could equip themselves.

For what she had read, an explosion had happened and while it didn't kill anyone, despite injuring several workers and one of the ship's attendants, toxin detectors had gone wild, forcing to close the area. She showed her ID to the guard and was escorted inside.