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Thread: Tiberius Raal - Imperial Tank Commander

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    Imp Tiberius Raal - Imperial Tank Commander

    Tiberius Raal

    56 :: Anaxsi/Imperial/Imperial Armor Corps :: Major, Tank Commander
    AKA: 'Top'

    Currently in: Imperial Centre, Coruscant

    Character Background

    • Born on the planet Anaxes, Tiberius Raal studied to be a military engineer at the Anaxes War College.

    • At the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Tiberius joined the Republic Army as an Engineer.

    • During the Clone Wars, he was stationed on Rothana at Rothana Heavy Engineering, where his duties included testing prototypes.

    • When the Empire rose to power, he was placed in charge of testing for the AT-TL(P). When the vehicles performed well, a fledgling unit was formed and Tiberius was given command of a tank he later christened “Anaxes”, after his recently destroyed homeworld.

    • When Rothana Heavy Engineering collapsed in the aftermath of Endor, the limited number of manufactured prototypes were transferred to an army motor pool on Coruscant, which would serve as their base of operations when not deployed.

    • Their unit was deployed in situations where the use of both Walkers and Repulsor-craft was not an option, usually due to environmental factors. This meant that many of the deployments were in very inhospitable conditions.

    • Shortly prior to the current date, while deployed putting down a planetary insurrection, Ana was hit by an anti-tank rocket. Tiberius was the only survivor. He managed to drive the crippled vehicle back to his own lines. After receiving treatment for his wounds, he was transferred back to Coruscant to oversee the repairs of several of the unit’s tanks, including Ana.

    Raw Material

    • Tiberius is a grizzled veteran, hardened by decades of military service, many battles and the loss of his former crew.

    • His AT-TL(P) is home. Despite recent events, he and Ana have a close bond, having survived many battles together.

    Plot Ideas

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    Existing Relationships

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    Current Plots

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    Last edited by Tiberius Raal; Apr 17th, 2020 at 12:35:13 PM.


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