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Thread: Final Episode IX Trailer (SPOILERS)

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    Final Episode IX Trailer (SPOILERS)

    Looking good. I'm hopeful that this will be better than Ep. VIII

    I am stoked that they are bringing back Palpatine. Despite the hype and everything, Snoke (and to an extent Kylo Ren) are both kinda chumps when it comes to baddies - we need a bad guy with teeth, and hopefully the returned Emperor will fit that bill. And while I'm not sure how they'll do it, I think it would have to tie in somehow with the speech Palpatine made to Anakin in Ep. II, where he indicates the Dark Side leads to many abilities thought to be un-natural. It would make for a nice tie-in between the prequels and the sequels, serving to unify the entire 9-movie saga.
    Last edited by Lilaena De'Ville; Oct 24th, 2019 at 07:12:41 AM.


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