Jingle, jangle. What a charming tone. Jingle, jangle. It was so archaic, an actual bell on an actual opening and closing door. You stepped in and out of the doorframe a few more times past the glowing neon that declared that this establishment was the Black Hat Bay, a junk shop disguised as a tech store. Or a tech store disguised as a junk shop. Or a front for some manner of illicit enterprise, you couldn't be certain, but it certainly wasn't kept afloat by walk in business. The shop was empty, even the staff seemed to not care about maintaining the appearance of operation. From the back you had heard someone yell just a moment, then again more angrily with each pass through the door you made to take your enjoyment of the musical tone.

You weren't sure what you actually were enjoying more. The sound of the bell, or the anger of the shopkeeper from the backroom. Perhaps a bit of column A, and some of column B. When he at last walked into the main room, scowl adoring his stubble covered face you took note of his appearance. A bit older than yourself, maybe a few inches taller, but oh what a nerd. Bottle rim glasses, and dressed in what could only be described as hacker chic. His brown furrowed more as he watched you watching him. Confusion visible on his wiry features. Oh this would be a treat, wouldn't it?

You waited for the first syllable of his question, sentence or anger to manifest and cut him off as he began, "I'm looking for a voice modulator. Preferably something older and more easily modifiable."

Behind your leathery mask you grinned.