Roxane was oblivious to the discussions and observations made among the band. She went back to the kitchens of the Cafe, and indeed made four pots of coffee, along with a large teapot for herself, or anyone else who might also want some, though she bet she might drink the whole thing by herself. Some thought her crazy for ingesting that much earl grey to calm her anguish, but it did help. She wasn't sure why, and there were no research made on caffeine and Ceilican Bastets, so whatever worked!

She had made sure to have two extra batches of cupcakes on hand for the band's visit and test run. She had actually baked them herself the previous night when sleep eluded her, and she had already destroyed one scratching post. So the cupcakes of vastly decadents, with one batch of raspberry and dark chocolate and the other vanilla with some chocolate chips.

She knew she shouldn't feel bad for not having retrieved any relevant journal for Nara yet; but with the imminent stupid pryio change, her anxiety could just spiral up and down, riffing off on anything it could find. Even though the Galliard had given her an oath, the Bastet meant it that she also wanted to make sure that she helped Nara if she could.

For now it seemed feeding her and her band, and offering lots of coffee.

Shrugging, she put all the tea and coffee pots on a tray along with a bunch of mugs, and brought it back to the stage area, placing the tray on a large side table against the wall, so it didn't risk getting in the way of setup. Without interrupting the band still setting up, the blonde went back to fetch paper plates and napkins, and return with a second tray with those and all the cupcakes.

Once everything was set up, she poured a cup of tea for herself, and waved at everyone, not wanting to get in their way.

"Coffee and cupcakes are ready when you are," she called out.