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Thread: Cloud 9 Grand Re-Opening, Featuring Special Guest Alienor Tankreyd!

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Nov 2005
    Cloud City, Bespin

    Open Cloud 9 Grand Re-Opening, Featuring Special Guest Alienor Tankreyd!

    The day of the concert, Molly Black could not have been more anxious had she been the one going on stage to perform before the sold out crowd. She had anticipated that it was going to be a crowded event, and had planned to have enough bouncers around to manage that aspect. What she had not counted on exactly was the finer details.. things like capacity limits. Thus it had become a strictly ticketed event, and had drawn a bit more attention than she was comfortable with. She put off the bad feeling as opening day jitters, pulling the white chef's coat from where it hung by her office door before walking through the kitchen.

    Everything seemed to be in order, she smiled to her newly acquired 'secret weapon of the kitchen realm', Dokes Baxter, a Besalisk with six arms, formerly of the Cloud Dance. Molly had persuaded him to rethink his future with the upper scale restaurant, it was classy but expensive and not at all where the real people of Cloud City spent their credits. Eventually, like so many other places, it would close. She could do more for him, and like that.. crab-stuffed cream puffs were on the menu.

    The new bar tender was not in just yet, but it was a couple hours still until they would open the doors. He would appear eventually, Molly was certain.

    Even still.. some eager Ali fans were already beginning to camp outside on the sidewalk. Next she would be fined for blocking the street, Molly fretted.

    Alienor's people were already setting up some of her larger technical equipment - after passing through a security check before entering. She trusted Alienor, but she was taking no chances tonight. Staff could be switched easily enough. She had this one chance to make this work, and she intended that it would. Leaving the kitchen, she left the coat and made her way from the restaurant to the even yet more secured doors entering the private club, Bliss. The Cloud 9 brought people in, sure, but Bliss was where the profits occurred. It was still practically empty, but that was all about to change. Walking by one of the billiard tables, Molly grinned to herself, trailing her fingers along the polished corner as she passed.

    'Practically empty' was not 'completely alone'. There was one other person in the club. Stopping just in front of her partner, she let out the sigh she hadn't realized she had been holding.

    "Remind me, this was what I wanted.."
    Last edited by Molly Black; Aug 2nd, 2019 at 02:49:53 PM.


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