Senate Complex - Drev'starn, Bothawui

The ornamentation in the office of Senator Salem Ave was minimal, save for a display that hung on the wall behind the senator’s desk. It was comprised of a shield bearing an insignia comprised of four moons encircling a crown, with two glaives - the weapons of the Beast Riders of Onderon - crossed in an ‘X’ over the shield. It was important to the people of Onderon, he had been told, that the richness of their culture be adequately represented in the crucible of progress that was the Alliance Senate. He wore a grey and grey half-cloak over one shoulder, clasped at the throat with the emblem of the Alliance starbird, for exactly the same reason. It was a reminder, both to himself and to everyone he met, who he was and what he stood for.

Salem stood in front of the crossed blades and noticed for the first time that one of the glaives appeared to have a tiny, rust-coloured stain on it’s leather-bound grip. As he considered how that stain might have occured, the door hissed open behind him and he turned to face his visitor.