Baastian's lightsaber swung in, and Palara was not foolish enough to continue trying to use the whip in close-quarters. The whip deactivated and retracted into the hilt, while she dropped to the ground in a split, her own white-bladed saber angled to divert the attack away, though the sheer strength of the swing was enough to require a flourish of her own to the side, else she would have sported a neat burn on her face.

She spun, rolling onto her back into a windmill, pivoting on one hand while her legs struck out at Baastian's own to trip him to the ground, ending in a short hop to her feet with her weight on her back leg and her lightsaber held above her head in one hand, as the other was held out before her holding the whip's hilt at the blond Knight.

She was silent for a moment, and then she stood straight and smiled.

"Zank you," she said. "I appreciate you taking ze time to allow me to practice with ze whip against you. I still 'ave some practice before I can consider it viable against a trained enemy zough."

She turned, noticing her mentor and Vissica standing in the entrance of the training salle.

"Ah, Knight-General. Knight Vissica. Do you wish to make use of ze salle?"