Mace Windu paced the windowless dojo of the Citadel, a look of unwavering focus on his face. His guard was open, purple-bladed lightsaber swept to the side, as if to invite an attack at his center. But the Jedi was clever. He stood just beyond the reach of Vissica's large blade, as if daring her to push toward what appeared to be an easy kill. Wary, the Selonian drew back two paces, winding her body up as her greatsaber again hefted into a high guard.

"You're wondering if I'm taunting you?" the Jedi asked. "If I was, would that alter your view of what I am?"

The Selonian's only response was an annoyed growl. She inverted the grip on her weapon, taking a third step back as she lowered the blade back to drag along the ground. The Jedi sprang into action, opting for a quick strike with a fleeting opening at Vissica's neck. The Selonian denied him with force, slapping the Jedi's feint away with authority. Windu wasn't denied an ounce of initiative, using the Selonian's own aggressive motion against her to pivot back into a strike in the opposite direction, forcing the Imperial Knight to quickly drop to her belly to avoid decapitation. Vissica rolled to her back in time to intercept the anticipated killing blow, locking the Jedi Master out of his strike for just long enough. Her tail did the rest of the work, clubbing Windu's ankles out from under him to send the Jedi sprawling.

Vissica sprang up to two feet with liquid grace in time to find the Jedi Master finishing his own rightward flip.

Windu hadn't broken a sweat. He looked as calm as he did at the beginning of the fight.

"Vaapad isn't a shield against aggression, it's a redirection. Your aggression. Mine. Dark intent tamed by the light."

"I am uninterested in your lectures, I only want a demonstration!"

With a great heave, Vissica brought her blade around for an overhead cleave. The Jedi read her perfectly, sidestepping well in advance. Too far in advance. Vissica drew her arms in prematurely mid-swing, letting the momentum of the blade do her work as she clapped her guiding hand over the pommel, leveraging it horizontally to thrust.

Master Windu gasped, his eyes wide. He dropped his lightsaber to the ground, the blade extinguishing before the hilt could clatter on the floor. Vissica took a stride forward, pushing the blade through Windu's chest fully, before she leaned back to plant a foot into his belly, kicking his body off the length of the greatsaber's killing edge.

The Jedi Master fell to the floor, dying with his eyes open.

Or so it would seem, before the hologram disappeared with an electronic flicker, leaving behind a custom-built holodroid with a molten puncture clean through it's middle.

"Well done, Lady Vissica! That is your seventeenth straight victory against the Windu program. And in record time!"

Feeling no fulfillment, Vissica deactivated her greatsaber, clasping it back into her back-mounted scabbard. She turned her back to the PROXY unit.

"Oh dear, you seem to have destroyed my ambulatory drive mechanism this time."

The Selonian padded to the edge of the dojo, retrieving a carton of Imperial-issue nutritive from a shelf. She tore the lid off with her teeth, quaffing the beverage with disinterested haste.

"They say any fight you can walk away from is a good fight. Wish I could say that right now."

The empty nutritive carton crushed in Vissica's hand.

"Cease your prattling!" She threw the rubbish at the droid's head. "I do not come here for your commentary!"

The PROXY unit seemed unphased by the abuse from where it lay.

"Begging your pardon, mum, why do you come here? Clearly you do well in simulation."

Vissica tugged at the tuft of fur at her chin, unseen by the droid with her back turned.

"I am looking for an answer, but perhaps I am not even certain of the question itself."