Pretty blatant snag from what Christin is doing over in this here thread only naturally gotta do my own version. Consider this a strange insight into songs I've found that fit Sadie - don't expect a timeline straight deal, more just random bits and pieces of her life thus far.

A'int No Rest for the Wicked
I can't slow down, I can't hold back, though you know I wish I could.

"Oh frakkin' Force SAKE, Rexxie. Quit your bawlin."

Sadie was kneeling in front of the big ol' strongarm who looked more like he belonged on some backwater farm someplace than in any sort of bank anywheres. Big blonde lug was blubbering, downright ruining those pretty blue eyes of his. An exasperated sigh came from elsewhere in the lobby - not from her, but from the green mo-hawked heavily tattooed mother frakker named Ronan Gafomaar who was glaring at his mates. The petite looking reddish haired girl - that was Sadie K'Vesh- was about a second from backhanding Rex Oldin - the big arse blonde guy who probably had muscles in his upper arms bigger than Sadie's head - when another bloke walked in as if he owned the joint.

Never give no mind to the two or three hostages the group never meant to take who were face planted and praying for this all to end nice, quick, and pretty so they could get back to their meager lives - The newcomer only gave attention to the trio of would-be-robbers and he weren't pleased. The look at Roho - that's what Sadie called Ronan - had given them earlier was echoed now on the recent addition's face. Well, best as it could be considering he was almost as big as Rex except with far darker skin and a head lacking hair but sprouting a few big 'ol horns. Yup, Bog'el Xcreth could be a downright mean looking Zabrak when he wanted. Not just here in a bank-lobby mid heist, no sir, on the stage as well. Sadie hated the rodder something fierce but had to admit - bastard had presence.

"What is taking so long?" Bog hissed through slightly pointed teeth.

"Ro sh-sh-shot th' man'ger." Rex replied through sniffles that were attempted to be buried.

"So why hasn't the kid cracking the safe, yet?" The Zabrak shot back, his ire turning on Sadie who downright loathed when the spotlight was turned on her.

Sadie knew that any reasons relating to trying to get Rex to chill the frak out weren't gonna cut it. Time for a wee bit of a lie, then.

"Had t' go an' make sure th' alarm weren't triggered firstly. Surprise! It ain't." Last bit was spoken far colder than Sadie knew was safe to tread on, but consequences be damned, Bog had to know that the band came first always. Making sure Rexxie weren't gonna go all soft belly on the lot of them on account of what he'd seen Ronan do was on her top priorities. If the big guy weren't there to watch her back, she couldn't go and focus on getting a damned safe open now could she?

"And what's the problem now?" The Zabrak retorted. Damned impatient arsehat.

"Gettin' there now, boss." Yeah, okay, sing-songy mocking voice weren't the best and all it took was for Bog to take one step in her direction and the girl was off and heading towards the safe. Not at a run, mind you, but quick enough to get out of the bastard's reach if he felt like ending the day early.

She could tell by the subdued sniffles in her wake that Rex had followed her like some gorram obedient hound too. As Sadie knelt by the console near the safe and readied her datapadd to begin futzing with the combination she let out out one of them big sighs.

"Y' should deck him one of these days, Rexxie. Don't think he'd know what hit 'im."

There was a pause behind her, one that even came with a held in breath from the big human that let Sadie know he was looking over his shoulder for the Zabrak before even thinking of responding to her.

"Can't do it, Sid. Not... Not that I don't think I couldn't y'know? Just..." Rex shuffled where he stood and the slicer only gave him a quick glance before returning to her work.

"Yeah, I know."

Sadie could go and count on her fingers the amount of times she'd seen Rex go and actually really hurt someone. Oh, he'd punched people but would apologize for it, and he'd even kneecapped a folk or two, but violence to the big oaf just wasn't in his blood, she figured. He'd do it if necessary, or if Bog ordered him mean enoughly, but otherwise he was just there for show in a way. Heart so big it probably filled the most of him.

"You though," Rex went on. "You could do somethin' to him. Make his accounts all empty or ban him from flying anywhere on a ship he don't own or... Just get out, Sid."

Rex sighed as Sadie glanced over her shoulder at him, his posture slumping just a tick or two before he looked up to let his eyes actually meet hers.

"You gotta get away from him, Sid. From us. You're smart... smarter than me, smarter than Ro. You don't deserve what he does."

Weren't exactly the first time they'd had this conversation, though probably was the first where Sadie wasn't in some state of injury caused by the Zabrak in question.

"Yeah, maybe." She went and halfheartedly mumbled back. "Deserve or no, y're right 'bout needin' t' bail, though. Been right for a long spell. But I got a plan, Rexxie. Jus' a few more jobs - th' ones he lets me take on m' onsies. He ain't gonna be able t' touch me."