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Thread: Your New Forever Home

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    Complete Your New Forever Home

    The Academy shuttle eased out of hyperspace at the pull of a level. The star striped viewport resolved into an image of a world, a planet of greens and blues. Tanaab. The verdant agricultural world was an eden of sorts, perfect for the growing of crops and the raising of lifestock. There was little other commerce on the planet beyond that. It supplied food to the entire galaxy, and as a unique neutral entity it was able to sell to both sides of the cold war. Both the Empire and the Alliance, and any merchant in between could purchase goods from Tanaab with no fear of embargo or tariff. As a result they had many buyers and the demand was greater than the supply. New farms were being started every day across the mostly uninhabited surface of the planet.

    And it was all the machinations of the Sith. They had manipulated the Tanaabian government into moving toward a position of neutrality for the expressed purpose of increasing exports, but in reality it was a move so that they could then start the Academy. In the Empire force users are twisted into Imperial Knights or horribly experimented on, and in the Alliance they are either Jedi or nothing. In order for the Academy to work it needed to be in neutral space where it could be allowed to grow without the Empire or Alliance sticking their fingers in it, or killing them in the night. They were not happy with it, but there was little they could do without damaging Tanaab's new sovereignty. If one side got involved the other would come swinging, and a proxy war would inevitably break out. So they kept their distances and watched from afar.

    It was a great plan, and Lady Frygt knew what she was doing. Her many puppets were ever at work maintaining this setup. Ezra hardly approved. He preferred the secret nature of the old Sith Order. This one had so many strings attached and was incredibly dangerous. Should anyone ever discover the Sith Order operating beneath the Academy's neutral facade they would be wiped off the planet in the a heartbeat. The Imperial Knights and Jedi Order would not hesitate to remove what they would see as a growing cancer taking root. It took trickery to get new students to the Academy, and situations like Jinsala's to manipulate into joining with the intention of bringing them into the Order when the time was right. Many legitimate students studied here, those with lesser power who desired some control and knowledge. They would never become Sith, but the powerful, the hungry, and the wicked would be welcome with open arms.

    "Jinsala, come up here. We have arrived at Tanaab."
    Last edited by Ezra Na'chtion; Jan 16th, 2017 at 02:03:51 PM.


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