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Thread: Mags Sondeeta

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    Reb Mags Sondeeta

    Magalani Eyin Sondeeta (Mags)
    36 years old :: Twi'lek/Alliance/Titan Squadron :: K-Wing pilot

    Currently on Jovan Station

    Character Background

    • Flew repurposed LAAT gunships in the Twi'leki intifada against the Empire.
    • Captured three times by the empire, escaped prison each time.
    • Mother disappeared during Imperial occupation. Father commanded a guerrilla brigade, lost an arm in the fighting.
    • Joined the Rebel Alliance when the Empire was driven off Ryloth. Flew a Y-Wing in the Battle of Sullust.
    • Attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander and command of Wampa Squadron before transferring to Dac for special assignment.
    • One of three dozen potential candidates chosen to participate in advanced field testing of the Incom Koensayr Meorrrei K-Wing project.
    • Upon completion of the project, was one of three K-Wing pilots transferred to Jovan Station to serve as part of their rapid deterrence program.

    Raw Material

    • Mags has spent a lot of time in Imperial prison and she's not exactly forthcoming about it.
    • Has a dry demeanor with an equally dry and cynical sense of humor.
    • During the intifada, she was close enough to an explosion to lose almost all hearing in her left ear, so she favors her right side.
    • Has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm that reads "Naya", and she evades any attempts at finding out it's meaning.
    • She's not a very empathetic person, or at least doesn't show a lot of emotion to the plight of others.
    • It's Mags. Not "Magalani" and definitely not "Maggie". She will fight you.
    • Mags learned to shoot and fly in the intifada, but she learned to fight in prison. She's got a boxer's hands.
    • Likes her cigars expensive.
    • Doesn't ever get enough sleep, and she's caf dependent as hell.
    • She's bonded with her K-Wing crew. She takes it personally if anyone messes with them.
    • Stands at 5'11" with a wiry, fighter's build

    Plot Ideas

    • "Naya" means something important, and it's not something that Mags wants to talk about. Pressing her might result in something good or bad.
    • Just getting her to talk about herself is going to be a chore. She collects acquaintances, but you're gonna have to do a lot to gain her friendship.

    Existing Relationships

    • Su'taun'rrou Iraanaiya Keellarroa - Bombardier: Hit it off with the Cizerack officer immediately in the K-Wing program, and they act like sisters.
    • Ensign Niel Passun - Gunner: Human, overly-chatty. Likes comics and pussy and talks about little else.
    • Ensign Tan Rukk - Gunner: Sullustan, big talker, keeps tallies of his kills and likes to talk about them.

    Current Plots

    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Mags Sondeeta; Nov 1st, 2017 at 10:22:48 PM.


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