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Thread: Darkest Hour [Satkia, Open to Jedi]

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    Open Thread Darkest Hour [Satkia, Open to Jedi]

    The darkness had become a friend to Masiri and her twin sister who's head now lay on the stronger of the two's right thigh. Their bodies beaten and bloodied, the pair had endured seeing their parents murdered before their eyes and then becoming toys to the dozen murderers having kidnapped them and flown the two fledgling Force users to some unknown location. Heat became a constant companion in this small room, devoid of any furniture or fresher, only a single door and a stone floor for a bed. Though they remained close to one another, Masiri guessed that they had been enduring this hell now for at least two months straight. Her nose having become blind to their dark closet, the reek would have been nearly unbearable to anyone else. Her one hope was that somehow, some way the Force would guide someone to them and rescue the twins.

    Her right hand thoughtlessly caressed Lurianne's right shoulder and arm, thinking on the life they had before this nightmare began. Growing up running in the forest and exploring life in it's natural state as their parents taught them about the Force and it's beauty and purity allowed the two to see the galaxy with rose colored glasses. A fantasy that endured for many years until they grew up and began to see their home of Jyvestikk for what it truly was. Questions always gained a pragmatic, but hopeful answer from one of the two parents who believed there was good in everyone, you just had to sit back and put yourself in their shoes. Unfortunately, Masiri now was trying her best not to wish all of these men a gruesome and very slow death, especially for what her sister had endured. The one that was now giving up on life itself, the very thought breaking through Masiri's tough exterior as she couldn't imagine life without her best friend.

    There had to be another way.

    Tears burning her eyes, she glanced down to the dim silhouette, her head lying quietly on her lap as Lurianne's hands gripped to her leg as if afraid to let go, even in her slumber. Leaning over, Masiri laid her own head upon her twin's shoulder and closed her eyes. "It's going to be alright, you'll see," she forced out, wanting to believe it too.

    Sniffing, her twin was awake after all. "Wish they'd kill me now."

    A statement that broke Masiri's heart as she began to sob. "No. You live," chin quivering, Masiri turned her gaze to the twin that she couldn't see, but felt as her heart hurt now even more than her body did. "You can't give up."

    Lurianne now sobbing as well, "I... can't."

    Now almost to the point of being angry, Masiri grew desperate. "Go to that place that dad told us about. Peace. Hope. It's there, just like it's always been," she sniffed, tears streaming down her dirty and bruised cheeks. "The pond in the woods. Remember the bird's singing in the forest?"

    The door burst open, shocking both as they jumped, looking up to the pair of males now rushing in, bright light now nearly blinding the two girls as Lurianne sat up, scurrying backwards to the wall to try and escape. "Come on," the lieutenant yelled, grabbing her sister's arm as Masiri tried to hold on to her twin. Yanking the brunette up by the arm, his cold, green eyes glared at Masiri as his companion, the main antagonist when they came as a group, grabbed her as well, dragging her to her feet.

    Both girls now more defiant than ever, the lieutenant shoved Lurianne out through the door, then turned and punched Masiri in the face as the girl desperately tried to stay close to her sister. Brilliant flash was soon followed by darkness as Msairi went limp, falling into the arms of the criminal who threw the seventeen year old over his shoulder, laughing.
    Last edited by Masiri; Aug 13th, 2016 at 04:19:38 AM.


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