Brentaal IV

Sitting in the Conservatory of their home in the mountains of Brentaal IV, the sound of uncoordinated music on a piano echoed through its halls. The source was a little girl named Yoko Veros, a four year old who was at the age where she was becoming ever more curious about the world around her and how things worked. Two years ago, Yoko's life had been quite different. She lived with her biological parents, government senators who had gotten into things Yoko was still too young to understand. Despite the best efforts of Imperial Intel, both her parents died, leaving Yoko an orphan. She was too young to form solid memories of them back then, and nowadays were near enough forgotten by the child. For the past couple of years, Yoko had been taken in and adopted by Sebarek Veros, one of the Imperial Intel officers that had tried to save her family's life. As she grew up in his care, Yoko only saw Sebarek as her father now. Her biological Parents' families couldn't care less about the little girl, and she didn't care for them either. She didn't know them at all, and as far as she was concerned, if they didn't want to know her, she didn't want to know about them. It didn't matter to Yoko that Sebarek was of a different colour to her. She knew and understood that she had been adopted, but it didn't matter to her. What mattered was Sebarek loved her, and she loved him back.

Perched on the stool with her feet tucked under her body, Yoko's tiny hand reached out to the book above the piano keys and turned to one of the simple children's songs. Finding the song 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' Yoko settled herself down and started to read the letters under the notes. Luckily for her, Papa Seb had stuck letters on the piano too so little Yoko could copy the music more easily on the piano. She wasn't perfect at it, but she was learning, slowly but surely. One day... I will be a musician, and an artist...and maybe a singer too! she thought to herself as she played her song briefly. Suddenly feeling bored of the piano, Yoko jumped off the piano and moved toward the lounge, where a large holoprojection screen on the wall activated, ready for the little girl to watch whatever she wanted

"Good Morning Yoko." the holoprojector said. "I have a new film I think you would enjoy."

The little girl canted her head slightly. She was still getting used to all the bells and whistles this house had, though she seemed to like this one from time to time. "Whatcha got?" she asked, feeling a little silly that she was in the room all by herself talking to a piece of tech.

The holoprojector activated a screen, which showed an animated trailer. The trailer looked old, but almost immediately, Yoko seemed captivated by it. "This is the trailer for a movie called 'Care Bears II'. Would you like me to put the movie on for you to watch?"

Yoko smiled and nodded. "Okay. Maybe Papa would like to watch it too?" she queried before going to search for Sebarek. Once she found him, Yoko tugged on his pant leg for attention. "Papa... Would you like to sit and watch a movie with me for a while?" she asked once she had his full attention.