"I told you not to pack so much."

Garrick was only half playing attention as they waited by the luggage carousel, the rest of his mind focused on keeping tabs on the various customs officers and security personnel drifting around the arrivals lounge. He had no particular need to be wary; Black Sun had the arrangements well in hand, and in the unlikely event that any of the staff here deviated from the script, the Syndicate had enough pull to ensure that he encountered nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Even so, the faint paranoia was unshakeable. The Eldest Brother had become a rare haven of security, one of the few places in the galaxy where he no longer felt the need to look over his shoulder every few seconds. Here, not only beyond the safety of his casino, but beyond the system, the sector, and the region of the galaxy that he had come to think of as home these past years, his sense of safety was somewhat more precarious.

His protection assuaged his concerns somewhat. Calling Andana Callax the best that money could buy was perhaps going a little far, but she was certainly formidable, and Garrick certainly felt less uneasy in her presence. Of course, their current circumstance had him on edge for different reasons. Slipping past the Imperial blockade of Corellia and into the Imperial-controlled upper levels of Corellia had taken some degree of subterfuge. They could have smuggled themselves into the lower levels of course; but for Garrick's business here, he needed a certain freedom to move unhindered. So, they had arrived her under assumed names. Bookings at one of the Cloud City hotels. Honeymoon suite. Newlyweds.

He mustered a small smile for his wife, as convincing as he could manage to muster, a little light bickering sprinkled on top to help reinforce their ruse. "If you hadn't insisted on bringing so many pairs of shoes, we wouldn't have to wait so long for our luggage to arrive."