Aurelias Kazaar

38 :: Human/Eleutheria :: Bounty Hunter/Merc-for-hire

Currently in: Space

Character Background

  • Kazaar is a bounty hunter currently setting up a merc group with Lilaena De'Ville's Mandalorians as part of Elutheria.
  • He was originally a Rebel spy partnered with Estelle Russard, but was thrown out after attacking a Bothan Alliance leader who berated him for not understand why peace was better than destroying the Empire.
  • Wiki entry.

Raw Material

  • Kazaar has a deep, deep hatred for the Imperials and thinks the current treaty is horrendous.
  • His parents were killed in the Ghorman massacre by Grand Moff Tarkin for protesting the Empire's taxation policy.
  • His parents were also Mandalorian, but left at some point during the conflict between the True Mandalorian and Death Watch. Kazaar doesn't know what side they were on, although he carries a True Mandalorian banner with him.
  • He's still married to Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar although she's MIA (come back Hera/Estelle!).
  • Kazaar is a functioning alcoholic and loves his cigars.

Plot Ideas

  • Learning more about his parents' past with the Mandalorians (see below).
  • Jailbreak on an Imperial prison ship after being hired by someone for it.
  • Destruction of Imperial mining facility on Bespin.
  • Assassination of an Imperial administrator on Corellia(?).
  • Raid on Imperial (or Imperial friendly) convoy to steal ships/supplies.
  • For TFA only: Figuring out what his position in the galaxy is during TFA timeline.

Existing Relationships

  • Lilaena De'Ville - Partner in Eleutheria.
  • Estelle Russard - Former partner in Rebel Intel (currently MIA).
  • Mirko Spendrim - Information broker.
  • Gorgja the Hutt - Crime lord Kazaar is on the outs with, but still takes occasional job from.
  • Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar - Ex-ex-wife currently MIA.
  • The Black Man - Head of Rebel SpecOps (MIA).
  • Grace Van-Derveld - Former boss who HATES him (and vice versa).
  • Milivikal k'Vik - Former partner in Rebel Intel.
  • Kimiiki Crei - The Velvet Crimelord, and Kazaar's longtime nemesis. Caused Kazaar to miss ever meeting his son (now dead). Believed to be killed by Adelaide. Had major contacts with the Empire.

Current Plots

  • Kazaar is currently participating in a raid on an Imperial outpost on Lothal with De'Ville's Mandalorians.
  • He'll be learning more about his parents' past with the Mandalorians (especially because they mentioned being on the "wrong side of a fight" once).