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Thread: Final TFA Lightsaber Duel Discussion [SPOILERS]

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    Final TFA Lightsaber Duel Discussion [SPOILERS]

    [Interesting discussion that I saw at TFN. Basically, just how was Rey able to defeat Ren? Rey never should have had a chance against Ben/Ren. He'd obviously had enough power and demonstrated enough skill in the film that he should have made short work of her. Here are the reasons I originally accepted her winning that fight;
    1. She knows how to take of herself. We see it on Jakku. She can fight with a staff and she's obviously had a hard life that's taught her how to protect herself.
    2. Ben fights wildly, aggressively, and arrogantly. He constantly loses control of his emotions. Vader calmly force choked people. Ben destroys furniture if the Starkiller base cafeteria messes up his lunch order.
    3. As powerful as Ben is, his training isn't complete. Snoke tells us this at the end of the movie.
    4. He's injured. Just before he takes Finn down, Finn got a lucky shot in. But the big wound is of course Chewie's bowcaster shot. Since the OT many of us have dreamed of seeing that baby in action and we finally did. I think that shot would have killed most people. Only a strong Force user could survive.

    Those were enough for me. But I read a new theory today that I really like. Ren is taking it easy on Rey because he knows Rey's parentage and desperately wants to convert her to the dark side. He knows he's fighting his COUSIN/SISTER! He knows this because he's the one who dropped her off on Jakku. She was the lone survivor of the massacre at the Jedi Temple. He found her and his conflict with the Light caused him to spare her. It would explain why she was dropped off at Jakku to be raised in such a harsh environment. Maybe Ren thought this would make her easier to turn when she was older. It would also explain why she was able to call the saber to her. Ren was trying to get his Grandfather and Uncle's saber, but Rey was reaching out for Daddy's saber. Daddy wins!

    You put all that together, and that's how you get the upset.]
    Last edited by Lilaena De'Ville; Dec 22nd, 2015 at 01:11:26 AM. Reason: Added extra brackets

    "Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" "He was a zombie?"


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