Flying was pretty much powered by will power as well. There was no physical force propelling you or holding you back. It wasn't controlled by muscles or by wings. You simply flew. It probably upset a lot of physics experts, truth be told. And truth be told, Kara really didn't have much drive when she flew. It was a fun thing, an exciting thing, but she wasn't exceptionally fast. Oh, she could really move when she wanted to, but to really move quickly, like, save-the-day super fast, it had to be a crisis. Kara could be deceptively quick, much like her cousin, but it really had to be the worse of worse situations.

Not to say without that drive she wasn't fast, she still left most things in the dust and could easily keep up with most jet liners, but Wally was faster. Of course, buildings weren't in the way for her, but she could see the streak of golden light whizzing off ahead of her below. She smiled a little. In a way, she wanted to let him win, but truthfully, she didn't think she could beat him even if she wanted to. It'd be pretty close, thanks to her shortcuts, but without it being a crisis, Kara had nothing to drive her on. She wasn't competitive enough to really force herself on to win. She just liked doing this for the fun.

She flew down over the park, ready to drift down and land, but she fully expected Wally would already be there, probably saying something smug. Like asking if she'd stopped to fix her lip gloss or something, judging by his last comment. Wait, actually, that might not be a bad excuse...