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Thread: Up to no good? Always.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster Has been a member for 5 years or longer Gabrielle de Montespan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Versailles, France

    Closed Roleplay [WoD] Up to no good? Always.

    "Évitez Denfert Rochereau! Ils sont encore en travaux!" Gabrielle sighed after glaring at her chauffeur. It always surprised her how she always had to be the one giving him directions, though it was his job to know about this. Her main residence was in Versailles, which still had an important place in her heart, for the few centuries the vampire had been alive. Yet, she kept a penthouse near the Champs Élysées, given how busy her life could be, especially when keeping eyes on a few friends, protégés and sometimes enemies.

    "Nous y sommes, Madame." Gabrielle sighed and nodded to her chauffeur as he came to open the car door for her. She still had certain habits from her days as a duchess at Louis the XIV's court. "Merci, Jérôme." She said absentmindedly as she grinned upon the sight of Maison Plaisir. She had been exhilarated when hearing that a certain someone had returned to the French capital. She had made sure to be able to come surprise Arabella as soon as she could. The last time they had met each other was during one of her many trips to London a few years before.

    While she liked all that the Maison Plaisir had to offer, she was escorted straight to the second floor, to her favorite VIP area. She smiled fondly to a few of the girls she caught sight off, before taking seat on the comfortable couch of the lounge. She knew that her presence would be known soon enough. She couldn't wait to see the look on her friend's face.
    Last edited by Gabrielle de Montespan; Mar 19th, 2014 at 11:40:34 AM.


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