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Thread: Imperial Navy 187th Response Force "Blood Fang"

  1. #1
    Tarrick Ragnus

    Imperial Navy 187th Response Force "Blood Fang"

    Imperial Navy 187<SUP>th</SUP> Rapid Response Force “Blood Fang”

    Commanding Officer: Captain Tarrick Ragnus
    Flagship: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Admonisher
    TIE Interceptors (24)
    TIE Fighters (36)
    TIE Bombers (12)

    Support Ships
    Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Adarga
    TIE Bombers (12)
    TIE Interceptors (12)
    TIE Fighters (48)
    Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Vanguard
    TIE Bombers (12)
    TIE Interceptors (12)
    TIE Fighters (48)
    Last edited by Tarrick Ragnus; Jul 1st, 2010 at 11:52:36 PM. Reason: changing the fighter complement

  2. #2
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Doctor Jesus Terrible
    aka. The Bottomless Pit

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    An officer with the rank of Captain typically commands a single vessel or a small Line of Battle. As a Star Destroyer is considered a Line in and of itself, it's a bit of a stretch for a Captain to have command over three capital ships.

    Granted, I trust you with the vessel, you are a good writer and know the tactics. Just looking at this from a story point of view.

    By all means keep the Admonisher. A Heavy Attack Line will get you some several escort vessels as well.

    As for the group:

    A little heavy on the TIE Interceptors, I'd honestly say the the TIE and the TIE/In numbers should be swapped. Defenders are expensive and reserved for the best of the best same goes for the scimitars. I can see them being used on in single squadrons on the Flagship, but I don't know if they'd be assigned to the rank of Captain.

    TIE Vipers are not used by the Imperial Navy. The are an expiremental transition between the TIE Aggressor and the TIE Defender. The design is stagnant and has dropped out of use.

    Do you have access to the restricted forums? If no, please request for access in CP as Tear mentioned earlier.

  3. #3
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Silver-Tongued Devil

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    It was my idea to give him the two ISD to give him a significant solo task force he could play around in without other Fleeter Imps to join him. If he wants to swap them out for more of an escort group, that's fine too.

    But story wise it could be easily explained by the turmoil occuring in the Empire right now. Ranking officers, especially loyal ones, might be given more responsibility or rewarded for consistent duty in a time where there seems to be so many turn coats.

    Harking back to my previous comments about bean counting, Ragnus try to shy away about worrying about the numbers of fighters and crafts. Go with whats sensible and let the story dictate the situation.

  4. #4
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Doctor Jesus Terrible
    aka. The Bottomless Pit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tear View Post
    It was my idea to give him the two ISD to give him a significant solo task force he could play around in without other Fleeter Imps to join him. If he wants to swap them out for more of an escort group, that's fine too.
    Ah, kk. Didn't realize. Sounds good to me, then.

  5. #5
    Tarrick Ragnus
    After looking online (and your comments) I see that my starfighter complement is a little... grandiose. Thanks for the input.

    I found what a typical SD carries and will edit the post.


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