Lise and Morin continued to banter and discuss the beginnings of the blueprints she was working on. It was a casual conversation that was suddenly interrupted when Elarys had to take her leave. Duty called and she needed to play nice with board members. Lise canted her head and looked past the host and saw a frumpy looking man huffing with a portly red face.

"My apologies for having to deal with that," she stated with obviously displeasure.

Morin chuckled.

"It was lovely seeing you again too, my dear," Lise said and watched Elarys navigate through the crowd to deal with whatever ridiculous emergency had taken place. There were never real emergencies at these events, just obstacles that were blown out of proportion.

Morin was soon pulled away to speak with another potential benefactor and Lise already had her link out talking with her accountant. A sizable donation was being made to the museum emphasizing Morin's work and hopefully those blueprints of the oceanic cityscape would see fruition soon.