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Thread: Hearts

  1. #1
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Closed Thread Hearts

    Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living area, Teagan s'Ilancy was hunched over a lapdesk, a flimsi on its surface and a stylus in her hand furiously writing. She had spent most of the morning trying to figure out the best gift for this day. Which, it was a strange day, but at the same time it was a neat thing to think about. A day where people celebrated their love for one another in the form of gifts and cards and thoughtful actions. Or at least, that was what she'd been able to get from what her friends had told her. It was still all a little bit confusing, what with hearts and cards and red wrapping paper. There had been talk of flowers that were red, too! All of it was a strange thing that she'd mostly been introduced to a few days ago, but it was also something that had grabbed her curiosity and thoughts with a vengeance.

    With Zem off doing Council things, and her mother idly looking through the kitchen for food, the young Lupine had chosen to 'set up shop' in the living room, her intended gift carefully wrapped up in a small box as she sat upon the floor and more than happy to begin composing a letter.

    The blank flimsi stared up at her, and she down at it.

    And despite all of her sure intentions, anything she had to say had suddenly vanished.

    With a sigh of frustration, she let her head loll back.

    "I can't think of anything to say!"

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Markos was bound and determined to sabotage her efforts at finding something suitable to eat, and as s'Il held him with one arm, she tried to fend away his searching hands with her other as her quest for food continued. Through cupboards and the cooler-unit she hunted. And all that she found were ingredients.

    Had she become so dependent on Idiri's food? The sort of wondrous tastes that were prepared for her?

    With Teagan's audible exhale and following words, the elder Lupine happily paused her search for food to put her mind to her oldest child's current dilemma.

    "Say for what?"

  3. #3
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    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    "For the card I made, for the Day of Love."

    She gave a shrug.

    "Well, maybe not a real card, but it's still a flimsi and I drew a picture on it, so it's like a card, I guess."

    Teagan looked up to give her mother a perplexed expression.

    "I want him to know that I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't around, and that he's special."

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    'The Day of Love.'

    It was a vague memory of a 'holiday' that tugged at her in that moment, and s'Il pursed her lips in thought. She had never recalled anything overt about whatever special day that Teagan was speaking of, other than an offhand mention of it from many years back; something that Oa Staedtler had told her of. Though, as all things went with her old room partner at the Jedi Temple, s'Il had brushed her off and not given much thought to the words spoken to her.

    Slowly shifting her stance so that she stood in front of the counter, she slid Markos from her arm to sit upon the counter's surface.

    "Well... " how best to help her daughter?

    "... I suppose you could write something simple."

    Her free hand moved then, to open an upper cabinet that she suspected to hold instant gejji noodles.

    "And who is this boy that you're writing this letter to, anyway?"

  5. #5
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    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Something simple. So then... 'thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you?'

    "It's just an old... friend... "

    She looked back down to her flimsi, and the stylus lowered to begin writing.

    'I'm not good at stuff like this, but I guess I should at least try? Everything you've done for me, and shown me, I love it all. My friends tell me that today is the day the day that people tell others they love them. It seems like a strange day, but I think it's still a neat sort of day, so I'm writing this for you so that you know I love you.'

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "An old friend?"

    There was a level of confusion in her tone that was unmistakable, and s'Il pulled her immediate attentions from the cupboard, eye tracking to where her daughter sat.

    "What sort of old friend?"

  7. #7
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    'I don't think anyone other than... '

    Her mother's question interrupted her thoughts, and Teagan looked up from her writing.


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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "Your 'old friend'."

    She felt a tug at her thoughts, trying to parse the vague language of her daughter.

    "Who is it?"

  9. #9
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    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Well that was a weird question, and the look on her face spoke volumes to that thought.

    "Uncle Feint," she blurted out, as if her mother should've known that from the very beginning.

    "I mean, I know he's not your real brother, but he's still family, and I still love him."

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Of course.

    There was a hesitation as she worked through Teagan's young thoughts, but it wasn't long before a smile settled over her featers.

    "I'm sure he will be happy with whatever you write."

  11. #11
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    "I hope so."

    A concerned look, then.

    "I got him a present, too."

    She looked to the small box at her side, haphazardly wrapped in scrounged red wrapping paper and tied up tightly with roughspun twine.

    "I hope he likes it."

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Returning to her original search for noodles, s'Il maintained her hold on Markos, who'd chosen to amuse himself with the container of cooking utensils that he sat beside.

    "I'm sure he will, Sweetheart. He likes everything you give to him."

  13. #13
    The wood split effortlessly in half; cleaved so smoothly that the fresh halves barely moved in place. Lifting the axe back up he watched the dull blue glow fade from the tool before laying it down and leaning it against the stump, lifting his eyes to scan the tree line as he did so. The wood pieces were grabbed gingerly, using as little hand as possible, and taken over to the pile of wood to the side and laying them out delicately as to not disturb the very precise stack that was forming. From his pants pocket a handkerchief was produced and used to wipe off his hands. His eyes drifted to the treeline again.

    Satisfied, Mr. Feint turned away and walked back toward the domicile unit, trying to banish the ever present thoughts of danger and focusing on how fun it will be to treat Teagan to a lovely campfire night one of these evenings soon; when it's warmed up a bit more. The thought brought a smile to his face as the door opened and he stepped inside. Teagan was on the floor, as was customary for the wild child, and Lok was in the Kitchen with her attention torn three ways. Stepping forward he double checked that his sleeves were still sharply rolled up and reached for the young master Markos and steadied the boy on the counter. Naturally, he began to squirm.

    "Easy there, little warrior."

  14. #14
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A grateful look was sent to Feint, and s'Il allowed her full attentions to focus on finishing her search for food. Pulling down the small pack of gejji noodles, she also took out a few glass jars; one of yusa sauce, and another of roasted las pepper space. These she set on the counter.

    "You've been busy," she mused to her dear friend, giving him a sideways look of appraisal and a light smile.

    "You're looking healthier, too. Life on Ossus agrees with you, I'd say."

  15. #15
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    She only barely paid attention as her Uncle made his way inside to the kitchen, and as he set about helping her mother with Markos, Teagan returned to furiously write her letter. Of course, she made sure to turn around somewhat, so that he couldn't possibly see what she was writing.

    I'm not good at stuff like this, but I guess I should at least try? Everything you've done for me, and shown me, I love it all. My friends tell me that today is the day that people tell others they love them. It seems like a strange day, but I think it's still a neat sort of day, so I'm writing this for you so that you know I love you.

    I don't think anyone other than Dama has been in my life for so long. I'm happy that it's you, and not anyone else, who met Dama and made friends with her. And I know you're not really her brother, but I think of you as my Uncle anyway, and that's how I'll always think of you.


    Biting her lip, the young Lupine gave a last once-over of what she'd written, and satisfied, she carefully rolled it up and tied it with another length of twine. It was a crude bow, but it held, and that was all that mattered.

    The stylus was tossed onto the bottom level of the nearest bookshelf, and she rolled to her knees, using the motion to further bring her up to her feet. A quick crouch back down, and she scooped up the small wrapped box in one hand, the other holding tight to the flimsi 'card'.

    Moving toward one of the tall stools that stood in front of the bartop counter, she put each of her gifts on the surface while hopping up to sit on a stool.

  16. #16
    "The air is a lot cleaner here than in Central."

    The very mention of the name conjured up mental images of a city choked by progress; smog lingering in the air above identical manufactured homes without so much as a sprig of green in sight. There were certainly still beautiful, natural places on Leh'ben, far out in the country where even the war effort could not touch, but they were increasingly rare and controlled by the oldest families. Central City was the capital of the planet and a monument to their hubris.

    "I try to keep myself busy. I fear becoming complacent, or bored."

    Wiggling his finger through the air like a magic wand he dispelled his negative memories with a flick and swish in front of the face of Markos before tapping his on both cheeks and then his nose; summoning a smile in the processes.

    "What have you got there, Teagan?"

  17. #17
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    "It's for you," she answered almost smugly, a peculiar smile on her features.

    "Some of my friends told me about how today is a day for people to show their love for one another, and it seemed like a really good idea."

    For now, she held back the wrapped parcel-box, and with her smile only growing, she held out the rolled flimsi for him to take.

    "First, the 'card'."

  18. #18
    The barely hidden smile on her face had him on the defense as he took the piece of rolled flimsi from her, giving it an appraising look before looking her in the eye as he pulled the ribbon free; to see if anything was revealed about it's contents on her face. She was quite a mischievous girl, after all.

    His eyes swirled like brown and blue galaxies pouring into each other like upturned hourglasses as he read each line. There had been so many times in this great journey of his that he had doubted his actions, and wondered if he had made the right choice by betraying his own people in order to bring salvation to his racial enemy. Many a dark night he had laid broken and bleeding with naught but a thin illusion separating him from his pursuers, and in those moments he had cursed his choices or thought that no one would ever realize the sacrifices he had made.

    And then moments like this settled all those misgivings. Moments like this made it all worth it.

    "Thank you, Teagan. I love you, too."

    Reaching out he grabbed her knee and squeezed it. It was all he could think to do. Tears tugged at his eyes.

  19. #19
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    With a wide smile she rested her own hand over his for a fraction of a moment, feeling for a moment like everything was just right. And then it passed in favor of the excitement she held bubbling just under the surface for how he would like his present, reaching out, the young Lupine pushed the giftbox toward him.

    "No the present," her smile was still from ear to ear, and she felt as though her chest would burst.

  20. #20
    Taking the box carefully he looked it over, making a big show of looking at it from one angle, and then another as if trying to ascertain the contents; a look of confused speculation playing across his features before looking over the top of the gift at the little expecting face and finally settling the box securely into the palm of one hand and beginning to tug at the packaging with the other. The string was carefully pulled loose with the care of a surgeon. The wrapping paper was folded open to fully reveal the box underneath. Setting the trappings aside on the counter he took a big breath and pulled the lid free.

    "Oh? Oh!"

    Nestled inside the box was a pile of organs. Clearly belonging originally to some kind of small animal, or several for that matter. Each cleaned and individually wrapped in clear plastic. Strange animal carcasses were not an uncommon sight when you live among a family of Lupines. It might even be more strange if there was not individually wrapped animal organs in a gift box. It drew more questions about the nature of this holiday that Teagan was attempting to follow the traditions of, and if this was correct or a misinterpretation. Regardless he would have to make a study of it, for his own records.

    "My, my. Did you gather all of these yourself? What have we got here." He rummaged among the items and started pulling them out one by one and making his best guess as to their origins. "Bark squirrel... heart? Tomtom heart? Oh my, is this a Green Fox heart? That must have been difficult to catch. So many hearts. Thank you, Teagan. I will treasure these forever."

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