He made a fist and shot his elbow down in victory. "Yes!"

There was no mistaking the bright, wide, smile of gratitude that spread across his face. Even his eyes danced with sincerity. "You, M'lady, have made the right decision!"

Good old boring work had been granted with a healthy understanding that he can dabble in the seedy kind as necessary. He felt something inside him that wasn't felt in years.


Maybe he'll get a chance to smash someone's skull on the hood of a speeder if they bitch too much when he takes it away! The thought gave him goosebumps.

"So where do I sign?" he leaned forward, eager.

"Or do I need to wait for the official Tuk paperwork? Need blood?" he held out his muscular forearm, tugging the sleeve up and pointed out some very prominent veins. "These two are good ones. Oh!"

Bringing one hand forward, Tuk stuck out a his little finger. "We can always do a pinky swear!"