This is mostly an info thread so I can gather all of my ideas on this Nar Shaddaan mob family. If anyone has questions about it though, definitely ask because a lot of times questions generate ideas and whatnot.

I'm basing the hierarchy on that of Italian mob stylings, so:

|_Viseri (consiglieri/advisor)

There is only one boss, and typically one vigo. There are multiple lieutenants beneath the vigo, and each lieutenant has a number of solieri beneath them. Same sort of deal with the socios.

Mekhi 'Two-Toes' Cassalora is the current Siñoré. His Viseri is a Givin named Jekori Masair, and his Vigo is a burly Kiffar named Kabra Saumio.

Zeno Hagen is one of many Solieri working in the Lakuusenia mob.