Lilaena stood on the bridge of her flagship, the Haran, staring out into the Ghost Nebula. Purple and pink swirls of gas mixed with blue and green to create a truly breathtaking display, but she stared into the middle distance, the nebula a blurry image at best as she anticipated the guest who would arrive in the next few hours.

It had been a few months since Nelaa Kyris had dropped into her life and extracted a deal that Lilaena was still not one hundred percent on board with. Still, for the good of the people she now considered her family, she had bound herself with a blood oath the Mando'ade used in only the most extreme cases. Breaking it would dishonor her forever in their eyes. If she ever were to break her oath with the Imperial agent, either the Mando'ade could never find out, or she would be immediately and violently ousted as their leader.

Of course, if Agent Kyris broke her word first, then Lilaena would be free to do what she wanted - if any of them were still alive.

Through the secure communications channel that they had established Nelaa had sent word she wished to meet. Lilaena had suggested the Amar system, a no-mans-land area of space that the Imperials had vacated but the Alliance had yet to bring to their side. She had sent Jeng to meet her there, to make sure the woman hadn't brought an armada with her, and then bring her here, to the Umbara system in Alliance space.

He was already on his way to make the rendezvous.

All Lilaena had to do now was wait.