Figaro Favoura IV

(Continued from Homeland for the Homeless)

Arya Ravenwing, Loveloxx Lupine of House Ravenwing, head and last of her house, walked through the halls of the Losstarot manor on Schwarztweld, and felt like she was having an out of body experience. Loklorien s’Ilancy was leading her back to the common room where her friends were waiting, and she was wearing the crest of her House around her neck for the first time in years.

She subtly patted her eyes, trying to make sure they weren’t puffy from crying. She felt slightly ashamed at her breakdown, not just because it felt weak, but because what had caused it had not been resolved entirely.

It was obvious that Lok was intent on providing second chances, but how far did that courtesy extend? To people who hadn’t personally wronged her? If she’d had an experience where her bodily autonomy had been taken away, where she’d been considered a Thing... could she forgive that person? Would she choose to bring him into her family then?

A buzz of anger was simmering still, under the weariness of being all cried out. Lok said she knew what Karrnage had done to her, and had extended him forgiveness that hadn’t been hers to give.

But that was just going to have to wait.

Arya smiled and held up the medallion as they entered the room where Jaas, Dage, and Dietre were waiting. “Mission accomplished!”