"What do you mean we were attacked?"

On the view screen Dackler Prown shifted uneasily, as if unsure of how to answer. Ezra looked back from his place behind his desk with jaded eyes, his finger slowly rapping on the counter top to punctuate the amount of time passing between the question and the answer.

"Several warehouses and processing plants were raided. The entire operation was quick, and no unnecessary loss of life was reported. They broke in, took enough foodstuffs to feed an army, and disappeared back into the sky. But..."

"Spit it out, Minister."

"We have reason to believe the invaders may have been Imperials. They did not wear traditional uniforms or armor, but they were clearly military and well trained. Star Destroyers were spotted just outside of orbit. I don't think the Alliance would ever be so bold as to make a move like this, and these were no pirates or terrorists. The Reavers wear telltale masks and the Sons of Coruscant are not so well organized."

"And they may return, Minister. Suppress this from the galactic news as best you can. For now. I do not want anyone else thinking we are weak, and if we need to we may be able to spin this into our benefit."

"Yes, Lord Na'chtion."

The screen winked off, leaving only a dark screen that reflected back his own face. For several minutes he remained sitting, thinking, pushing between stratagems to find the best reaction to this unwanted news. Tanaab has always been a weak planet. An agricultural gem with little natural defenses or a standing army. It relied on the Republic and later Imperial navy to protect it, and since their succession from the galaxy they have had little luck in raising the forces to protect it and instead relied on the cold war to protect their interests. One side would not dare stand against them for fear of driving them to the other side, even though that was a place they never wanted to go.

Someone had called their bluff, and he would be required to reply in kind.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. A glance to his handwritten schedule reminded him that it was Acolyte Jinsala, who had been called up for "Private tutoring". Another lie in the spreading web that was the Sith Order, and the school used to protect their identities. An existence now called into question, and threatened with destruction. The river had been blocked, and they would be forced to divert elsewhere.

"Come in."